Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nice Guys and Gals CAN be Big Producers

PT2= How Can I Survive AND Do the Right Thing?

One of the reasons I started this blog was to present agents and advisors with alternatives to chasing after sales and having to hawk high commission products that may or may not be ideally suited for your client.

As much as I can, I rely upon advisors to tell me if any of the featured companies have issues which need to be addressed. Your feedback is vital to keeping me "on track." I want to present ideas which might just provide you the opportunity for more income AND give your clients something which enhances their lives. (

Our newest FAN partner, DocuBank, will give you a marketing and client retention tool like no other.

DocuBank is joining us to provide a unique marketing tool which will aid in both client acquisition and retention. DocuBank gives you a real edge over your competition- the clients love it and so do I.

"DocuBank was started in response to the need for healthcare directives at hospitals. At the time, of the people who had actually prepared those documents,75% did not have them available when needed," says Tiffany Brown, Director of Affiliate Relations for DocuBank.

The oldest and largest company of its kind, DocuBank acts as a user-friendly, secure repository for the documents all of us need to have to ensure that situations such as the case of Terry Schiavo, do not occur.

"After that tragedy, awareness of the need for medical directives increased by 50%. Still, if your loved ones cannot locate the paperwork at the time needed, just having it is useless," said Brown.

DocuBank stores your clients valuable medical forms- such as healthcare directives,organ donation forms, adoption papers,hospital visitation forms,and burial instructions online on their secure servers. Clients are then given a card with their account access information, allowing hospitals and doctors to quickly access directives. Extra cards are available to give to attorneys, friends and families.

Financial professionals get multiple benefits from providing DocuBank to preferred clients, says Brown.

"For one thing, the advisor's name and contact information are printed on the client ID cards, allowing for multiple referral possibilities. When a client pulls out the card to show it to his friends- the producer's name and information is right there in front of him. We have had several of our customers who are attorneys say that the referral aspect is "priceless."she stated.

Those of you wanting to build a better practice and become client-focused should be doing something like this. Docubank has all the hallmarks of the kinds of low-key, value-enhancing, cost-effective marketing tools you keep telling me you want.


Call Heather and tell her you saw it on FAN to get the discounted pricing.

Readers of FAN- a special price:

DocuBank will waive the usual $100 set-up fee and provide the service to your clients for only $25.00 per year. (normally $45!)

CALL Heather and mention FAN's discounted price.
Heather Beltran
610-667-3524 xt 21

MMA Webinar Schedule- If you want to see this thing work- you need to go to one of these FREE webinars.

Webinars from September 26th thru October 2th

Wednesday, September 26th 9:00 pm (EST)
Orientation 100 with Branch Manager John Frazier

To Register:

Friday, September 28st 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST)

Realtor Round Table, with Jim Hobbs

(Using the MMA as a Prospecting Tool to Increase Your Real Estate Business)

Unmuted Line: (605) 772-3322, access code 605-409-132

Monday, October 1st 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm (EST)

MMA 100 Presentation for Potential Clients and Agents, with Tom Keener

Unmuted Line: (605) 772-3322, access code 398-035-071
Muted: (605) 772-3434, access code 388-834-808

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