Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Annuity MUSEUM???
You'll find loads of interesting artifacts
online at the Annuity Museum.
(whoda thunk it?)
by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone
CALL ME CRAZY (most people do anyway...) but I found myself amused, educated and somewhat fascinated at the Annuity Museum online.
If you have a few minutes between appointments, check it out. With the nasty PR annuities have been getting lately, it is kind of refreshing to remember that these financial instruments have stood the test of time. It's a shame that the public is being conditioned that all annuities are bad due to the sleazy sales tactics of a few.
Yes, Virginia- There is Another Blog- But Prepare to Be Offended
One of my more observant readers wanted to know about the site. I haven't posted there in a long, long time because I am busy helping you all make more more and build perfect practices. However, you will gain insight into my rather twisted persona and see my penchant for black humor. Bear in mind- this is SATIRE, folks. Enjoy- makes for a weekend's worth of mirth.
Here is a sample of what you can expect:
(Sour Grapes Gazette)
Straining seams inevitable..
Uber elitist and perpetually puffy political pontifcator Ted "who took my KFC Big Bucket?" Kennedy broke through police barriers yesterday, traumatizing visitors to trendy Martha's Vineyard. Police immediately sealed off the beach, declaring it "unsafe" while ferries evacuated hundreds of tourists.
One visitor from Missouri, exposed to the gargantuan gut, was flown by life flight helicopter to Boston General Hospital where she is undergoing intensive therapy for acute Fat Liberal Exposure Syndrome (FLES).
DocuBank Special Deadline
In my article on DocuBank yesterday, I neglected to mention that the waiver of setup fee and special pricing for FAN readers is only good until December 1st. SO HURRY!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Nice Guys and Gals CAN be Big Producers
PT2= How Can I Survive AND Do the Right Thing?
One of the reasons I started this blog was to present agents and advisors with alternatives to chasing after sales and having to hawk high commission products that may or may not be ideally suited for your client.
As much as I can, I rely upon advisors to tell me if any of the featured companies have issues which need to be addressed. Your feedback is vital to keeping me "on track." I want to present ideas which might just provide you the opportunity for more income AND give your clients something which enhances their lives. (
Our newest FAN partner, DocuBank, will give you a marketing and client retention tool like no other.
DocuBank is joining us to provide a unique marketing tool which will aid in both client acquisition and retention. DocuBank gives you a real edge over your competition- the clients love it and so do I.
"DocuBank was started in response to the need for healthcare directives at hospitals. At the time, of the people who had actually prepared those documents,75% did not have them available when needed," says Tiffany Brown, Director of Affiliate Relations for DocuBank.The oldest and largest company of its kind, DocuBank acts as a user-friendly, secure repository for the documents all of us need to have to ensure that situations such as the case of Terry Schiavo, do not occur.
"After that tragedy, awareness of the need for medical directives increased by 50%. Still, if your loved ones cannot locate the paperwork at the time needed, just having it is useless," said Brown.
DocuBank stores your clients valuable medical forms- such as healthcare directives,organ donation forms, adoption papers,hospital visitation forms,and burial instructions online on their secure servers. Clients are then given a card with their account access information, allowing hospitals and doctors to quickly access directives. Extra cards are available to give to attorneys, friends and families.
Financial professionals get multiple benefits from providing DocuBank to preferred clients, says Brown.
"For one thing, the advisor's name and contact information are printed on the client ID cards, allowing for multiple referral possibilities. When a client pulls out the card to show it to his friends- the producer's name and information is right there in front of him. We have had several of our customers who are attorneys say that the referral aspect is "priceless."she stated.
Those of you wanting to build a better practice and become client-focused should be doing something like this. Docubank has all the hallmarks of the kinds of low-key, value-enhancing, cost-effective marketing tools you keep telling me you want.
Call Heather and tell her you saw it on FAN to get the discounted pricing.
Readers of FAN- a special price:
DocuBank will waive the usual $100 set-up fee and provide the service to your clients for only $25.00 per year. (normally $45!)
CALL Heather and mention FAN's discounted price.
Heather Beltran
MMA Webinar Schedule- If you want to see this thing work- you need to go to one of these FREE webinars.
Webinars from September 26th thru October 2th
Wednesday, September 26th
Orientation 100 with Branch Manager John Frazier
To Register:
Realtor Round Table, with Jim Hobbs
(Using the MMA as a Prospecting Tool to Increase Your Real Estate Business)
Unmuted Line: (605) 772-3322, access code 605-409-132
Monday, October 1st
MMA 100 Presentation for Potential Clients and Agents, with Tom Keener
Unmuted Line: (605) 772-3322, access code 398-035-071
Muted: (605) 772-3434, access code 388-834-808
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Nice guys and gals finish FIRST
Financial Advisors Netzone
DIVESTING ONSELF of a transactional mentality requires chrome-plated, err...nerves and the ability to undo years of sales conditioning. It's a leap of faith most agents and advisors have trouble making.
Given the current regulatory climate, which is starting to push its tentacles into even third party marketing to seniors, the leap is necessary. There can be no return to "business as usual" as evidenced in this recent article at Investment
"When these people stand up in front of senior groups and hold up a book with their picture on it and say they wrote it, they are deliberately trying to mislead people into believing they are an expert and wrote a book,” said Jim Nelson, assistant secretary of state for business regulations and enforcement in Mississippi.....
(see the rest of this interesting story at
In the next couple of posts, I want to look at some ways you can begin to move from a transactional mindset to a client-centric one without starving to death in the process.
Till then, don't forget to sign up for the newsletter and send me your suggestions and product ideas.
Monday, September 24, 2007
E Newsletter
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Right Sizing Your Practice
The Case for Right Sizing
By Duncan MacPherson, Co-founder, Pareto Systems
I''ll never forget the first time the need for right sizing occurred to me. An advisor was referred to us, and was inquiring about our coaching process. Within 10 minutes, I learned that he had over 900 clients, that he was making a ton of money and that he had no life.
He was stressed-out, out of shape and had a whole host of issues going on in his personal life. Then the advisor said, I've heard good things about you. I'm thinking about hiring you to help me grow my business.
Wow. My reply to him was simple: "I think the best thing I can help you do is dismantle this thing."
We started to work on the Pareto System, and after some initial resistance, this advisor went from close to 900 clients down to about 200 clients.
In short order, his stress and overhead went down while his productivity increased. Liberation and order were restored to his business and personal life.
Shrink your Way to Success
Many elite advisors tell me that they feel they have hit a plateau and they are having difficulties taking their businesses to the next level. In my experience, they hit this plateau because they still subscribe to the alleged precept that you must continually grow or perish.
To me, this precept is a fallacy. The maxim I suggest you live by is profit and progress, or perish. Growth means bigger profits and progress means better.
Don't get me wrong, I want the assets you manage to grow year after year, but that does not mean that the number of relationships you manage must increase too. In fact, when it comes to relationships, the goal is not to see how big you can get, but rather how small you can stay. Right sizing is a critical step in moving to the next level; I can't begin to tell you how many advisors we've seen that have taken a proverbial step back in order to take a quantum leap forward.
Minor Adjustments Can Lead to Major Improvements
Advisors who continually expand their client base eventually hit a point of diminishing returns. Once you exceed your service capacity, you can no longer effectively competitor proof clients, gain their complete financial empowerment or maintain a high degree of referability. As a result, you are likely to become stressed and frustrated, and to miss opportunities.
Furthermore, unless you hire and manage more staff (which takes time and money), you cannot effectively deploy your a service matrix. In time, you will become perceived as a transactional generalist, and you will end up with a business that is a mile wide and an inch deep.
The question you should ask yourself is this: if 20% of your clients generate 80% of your business, do you invest 80% of your time on those 20%? To generate the qualified referrals that will allow you to build a quality practice, you need to invest 80% of your time in those top 20% of your clients who generate 80% of your income. Right sizing your clientele will allow you to do just this.
Getting Started â Client Classification & An Ideal Client Profile
The first thing to do in right sizing your practice is to classify your clients. Through the process of classifying your current clients, you will create an ideal client profile which will allow you to identify the type of clients that you wish to work with.
Now, most advisors tell us that they have already classified their clients, but upon closer inspection, we realize that they have only done a partial job, because their only classification criterion was assets. We encourage you to engage in a more detailed client classification by using our Triple A approach.
The first A in this approach speaks to assets. What asset level and range of needs must your clients have for them to be considered a good fit for your areas of expertise? Most advisors stop at this stage of client classification, but it is only the first step if you want to successfully right size your practice.
The second A refers to attitude, which, over the lifetime of your working relationship, is actually more important than assets. What is their attitude towards you? Do they focus on what you cost or what you are worth? What is their attitude about empowerment? Do they treat you like a personal CFO, or do they insist on having investments with other advisors? Do they have an informed attitude about the way the markets work? Do they try to micromanage you? Are they disrespectful to your staff? Keep in mind, assets change but attitudes rarely do. Many times I have seen an advisor work with a client with great assets and a bad attitude; in the long run, this client winds up costing the advisor more than it earns him or her.
The third A stands for advocacy. Your top clients will frequently recommend your services. Ideal clients appreciate the merit of buying into a relationship with a professional consultant rather than simply buying things from a salesperson. They are extremely loyal and they feel they are doing a likeminded friend a disservice by not introducing them to you.
After completing this client classification process, you will be able to identify three types of clients: customers, clients and advocates. A customer is someone who has some business with you, but also has business placed with another advisor. A client is someone who empowers you fully who has placed all of their business with you -- but they never refer people to you. An advocate is someone who is an absolute joy to work with, and who recommends your services to anyone who will listen. The value of your business has virtually nothing to do with how many clients you have and everything to do with how many advocates you have. In fact, as my opening story shows, the ideal financial services practice consists of about 150 advocates, not a collection of 500 customers and clients.
Let Prospective Clients Convince you there is a Good Fit
Once you have created an ideal client profile, you need to commit to following it. When meeting with prospective clients, we suggest that you explain that you have an ideal client profile, and that you outline the three As. Include these topics on your meeting agenda, and explain why these features makes you unique. Here is a script you can use to introduce the topic:
I have made the commitment to be a specialist rather than a generalist, and as a result, I am very selective about the clients I work with. Unlike some advisors who are trying to build a big business, and who attempt to be all things to all people, I prefer to be all things to some people. I know my capacity, and if I go beyond that level, it will dilute the service I provide. I can't allow that to happen. While some advisors are fixated on making a sale, I am concerned that there be a fit between us, because I believe that is the foundation of a successful long-term working relationship. It is for that reason I have an ideal client profile, and that I stick to it.
At that point, you would actually write out three A's and then explain each one. You will find that prospective clients will actually try to convince you that they meet your profile, rather than you having to convince them that they should do business with you.
With existing clients, I suggest that you decide who among them meets your profile, or at least has the ability to meet it within a reasonable period of time. Once you have established that list work hard to competitor proof them, and to convert them to advocate status.
The Moment of Truth
After you have established your ideal client profile, you have an important choice to make about your current clients who don't meet your profile. This stage is where many advisors make a serious error in judgment. Some advisors simply can't bring themselves to let go. They tell me things like, "some of these people have been with me since day one" or "some of these people are like family to me;" or "I can't just give this revenue away." The bottom line is this: you live by the rules you set. Ultimately, you can make exceptions but be practical and realistic and try to step beyond emotion and sentiment.
This brings us to the other mistake advisors often make. Often advisors tell me that they really need to fire some clients. The last thing this industry needs is advisors firing clients. If you have too many clients, you are doing them a disservice by keeping them. For the clients with whom you have poor chemistry or for those that have a high hassle factor, be a pro and bow out gracefully.
You're Not Firing them, You Are Disassociating Respectfully
The next step in the right sizing process is to call to the clients on your list. (Of course, if your list is sizeable you can launch this by a letter. If you are selling a large portion of your business, you can modify this approach accordingly.) When speaking to each client, it is essential that you the high road with a forthright and rational approach like this one:
Up until recently, I have been trying to be all things to all people, and over time, I found myself becoming a generalist. As a result we've been bursting at the seams, and I've started to see things fall through the cracks. Going forward, I've decided to become a specialist who strives to be all things to some people. I know my capacity, and in order to offer superior service, I have to make some changes to my practice. Part of that includes using an ideal client profile that reflects the type of client who is a good fit for my team and I. (Outline AAA). Based on this profile and our history together, I feel that going forward there probably isn't a good fit. However as a value added service, I have identified an advisor who I feel would be a better fit for you.
You'll be amazed at what this exchange will reveal. Either the client will agree and move on effortlessly, or they will become defensive and ultimately fight to stay on board with you. They'll say things like: "It never occurred to me that I should empower you fully. I can move everything to you" or "I didn't know you were accepting new clients but I can start referring people to you."
In cases like this, you can decide to conditionally keep the client on board, if they agree to respect the rules of engagement. Given this opportunity, many clients will develop from being simply customers into being true advocates. They do so because you clearly explain why it matters and how they will benefit. However, when your instincts tell you that the client is not really going to respond, maintain your integrity. Many of these clients will try to convince you that they can change, but when you sense that they are simply paying lip service, be professional, but firm:
Advisor: I just don't think there is a good fit going forward.? Client: But I can change, I didn't mean to be a pain to your people. Advisor: I just don't think there is a good fit, but I'll introduce you to the other advisor.? Client: But I don't want to work with anyone else.? Advisor: I appreciate that but based on the direction I'm taking my practice I just don't think there is a good fit here.
The point of right sizing is to build a clientele made up exclusively of people you want to work with, because these are the clients who will turn into raving fans and sing your praises to their friends, family and associates. These clients are the key to building a successful, profitable practice that leaves you with enough time to enjoy the things that matter to you. Remember, itâs more important to reach people who count, than to count the people you reach.
Sonny Goldfin Contact Information
Also- if you haven't done so, please opt in to the newsletter. On the lefthand side of the blog is a form. The first issue is due out later this month.
MMA Webinars Schedule
more information on MMA from Sonny Goldfin. If you are interested-call Sonny or get on one of the webinars.
Webinars from September 19th thru September 27th
Wednesday, September 19th
Raising & Maintaining Credit Scores
(641) 715-3399, access code 254-460-016
Thursday, September 20th
MMA Fast Start Training, with Gene Harris Taped call this week
Here is the archived link of my Fast Start Training.
Friday, September 21st
Realtor Round Table, with Jim Hobbs
(Using the MMA as a Prospecting Tool to Increase Your Real Estate Business)
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 123-407-250
Sunday, September 23rd
Keener Organization Call for Agents
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 320-397-484
Attendee: (641) 715-3222, access code 556-353-347
To register go to:
Monday, September 24th
MMA 100 Presentation for Potential Clients and Agents, with Tom Keener
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 234-079-021
Attendee: (641) 715-3222, access code 440-720-389 To Register go to:
Tuesday, September 25th
(641) 715-3222, access code 201-913-077
To register go to:
Webinars from September 19th thru September 27th
Wednesday, September 19th
Raising & Maintaining Credit Scores
Thursday, September 20th
MMA Fast Start Training, with Gene Harris
Friday, September 21st
Realtor Round Table, with Jim Hobbs
(Using the MMA as a Prospecting Tool to Increase Your Real Estate Business
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 123-407-250
Sunday, September 23rd
Keener Organization Call for Agents
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 320-397-484
Attendee: (641) 715-3222, access code 556-353-347
To register go to:
Monday, September 24th
MMA 100 Presentation for Potential Clients and Agents, with Tom Keener
Panelist: (641) 715-3399, access code 234-079-021
Attendee: (641) 715-3222, access code 440-720-389 to:
Tuesday, September 25th
A Must For Recruiting Professionals, with Peter Celnecker
(641) 715-3222, access code 201-913-077
To register go to:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wealthy Producer.Com- Something New Under the Sun?..NOT!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
More News and Views to Use
BARRON'S says Annuities might not be a bad idea in these turbulent times... MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 | |||||||
Weathering the Storm in Style By SUZANNE MCGEE FEW THINGS FRIGHTEN AN INVESTOR more than the prospect of his nest egg Many 50-somethings recall vividly the horror stories of the INVESTMENT NEWS online reports: Fixed annuity sales drop 9.2% By Aaron Siegel Sales of U.S. fixed annuities stood at an estimated $16.4 billion in the secondSeptember 17, 2007 quarter, 9.2% lower than the same period one year ago, according to the Beacon Research Publications Inc. ... (read more: What is New in Free Lunch Scams?Regulators find fraud in seminars for seniors. According to the SEC, "75% of the nation's consumer financial assets, valued at $16 trillion, are held by Within the next 20 years,75 million people will have celebrated their 60th financial services firms are increasingly focusing their marketing and sales of what_is_new_in_free_lunch_scam.html) |
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Weekly Roundup
Next week's Webinars:
Monday 9/17/07 @ 8pm (Central)
Introduction to the Money Merge Account
Audio: (605) 772-3434 Access Code 426-430-817
Wednesday 9/19/07 @ 11am (Central)
Introduction to the Money Merge Account
Audio: (605) 772-3434 Access Code 189-641-654
Wednesday 9/19/07 @ 7pm (Central)
Agent Training
Audio: (605) 772-3434 Access Code 157-142-188
While we are on the subject of mortgages...
Investors Await the Numbers
It's going to be bad. The question on every trader's lips: just how bad?
Tuesday, the same day Wall Street is hoping the Federal Reserve will cut rates, brokerage house Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. will kick off the third-quarter earnings season for the major investment banks. Lehman will be followed by Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns Cos. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. later in the week.
For years, the big firms have been minting money thanks to a strong stock market and aggressive expansion into areas such as hedge funds, leveraged buyouts and trading.
(rest of the story at:
From The Oakland Tribune:
TINA BRYSON was nine months pregnant when she leased an apartment in April on Congress Avenue in East Oakland. Little did she know the apartment she rented was in foreclosure.
Two months after her baby was born, Bryson received an eviction notice from the lender taking over the building, telling her she had 30 days to move out. By then, her landlord — with Bryson's...
UH OH- Merrill Lynch is "adjusting" Those dadgummed derivatives!
Merrill Lynch & Co., the biggest underwriter of collateralized debt obligations, signaled that the subprime-mortgage crisis may hurt third-quarter earnings.The New York-based firm said in a regulatory filing today that it made ``fair value adjustments'' for potential losses to date on unspecified holdings and financing commitments. Merrill fell 49 cents ..
Merrill, which reports next month, is at risk because it participates as an investor, lender, counterparty and guarantor in markets tied to subprime mortgages. They include structured credit products, such as CDOs, and leveraged loans, according to the filing....
Now more than ever before, your clients need you to help them achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. They need your undivided attention, your expertise, and your guidance to help them through these tough times (getting tougher..)
Take care!Tammy
Friday, September 14, 2007
More on "Burn Your Mortgage"
"I cannot stress this enough: if you have an opportunity to go to a presentation about the Money Merge Account, from anyone, anywhere---you should go.
This will be the most important hour you will spend for the next 30 years, and even if you're not will never be able to look at your mortgage the same way again.
I recommend you attend the above events if you are serious about developing true wealth and financial freedom."
God Bless,
Jaime Buckley
Co-Founder of The Jubilee Project
Monday, September 17th 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm (EST) NOTE NEW START TIME!
MMA 100 Presentation for Potential Clients and Agents, with Tom Keener
Panelist(Unmuted) (605) 772-3322, access code 667-205-782
Attendee:(Muted) (605) 772-3434, access code 438-668-985 register go to:
Webinar ID: 534234489
Tuesday, September 18th 2:00 – 3:00 pm (EST) * A Must For Recruiting Professionals, with Peter Celnecker
Attendee: (605) 772-3434, access code 488-786-322
To register go to:
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Gadgethead Tam's Wave of the Future
The new ACN digital video phone:more than a cool gadget-
the future of sales and contact management
by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone
I first saw the ACN CIP 6500 in, of all places, a bakery in Northern California.
A rather intimidating gentleman who looked like an ex-linebacker had the phone casually placed on the table next to the computer.
Looking it over, I felt the stirrings of the "gotta have its". Still, it was a while before I worked up the courage to approach the man and ask him about it. The man, who turned out to be a very nice JEFF BARTHOLOMEW from Brentwood, was eager to show off this latest innovation in the scorching hot digital market.
"Past FCC Chairman Smith says there will be 50,000,000 digital phone users in the next 3-5 years, " Bartholomew says. "ACN is poised to ride the wave, developing ways to communicate any way people want to."
Indeed, this nifty, user-friendly phone takes advantage of the fact that people prefer face-to-face contact. The desktop phone features a high-resolution 4.5x3.5 inch screen and built-in camera. Although it is designed as a desktop phone, the ACN CIP 6500's tilting screen folds down flat for easy portability.
Handy AV in/out jacks located in the rear of the phone allow you to use external speakers and to project the image to a larger screen or computer monitor. (I am thinking "VIDEOCONFERENCING!").
Jeff claims the phone is as easy to use as a standard telephone. Even technophobes can take advantage of its many features.
Of course, the person at the other end has to have one of these phones too, meaning you'll need to gift granny with her own phone and service (plans run around $23.99 per month to call anywhere in the world) if you want her to see the latest video of little Mikey.
Even so, the potential is enormous. Get a large new account? Gift the client with a phone and a year of service for around $500.00. Not only will the client want to stay with you forever, you will be able to see him or her "face to face" more often. (think MORE SALES)
Offices with agents scattered all over the field will be able to give a phone to each agent. Multiuser conferencing is in the works, and ACN is planning lots of other business applications for the future.
"This phone has so many possibilities for small business and personal use. It could be used in training centers, schools, etc. A trainer could include a phone in the package he sends to his clients. You can give it to your top-tier clients as a gift," enthused Bartholomew.
I want it...NOW! And, if you all buy one, I promise to BLOG LIVE with music and virtual cocktails.
I need to purify my email list(WHICH I do not sell or rent, etc.) Many of you have emailed or called me already saying "Opt in". I appreciate this, but the ISP's are demanding that you sign up AGAIN. My apologies for making you do it again, but ridding the world of spam seems to be right up there with curing cancer in the minds of some people, so I have to do it.
If you are new and haven't yet signed up for the bi-monthly e-newsletter- DO IT.
This newsletter features expanded articles from the blog, advisor comments and reviews, new product information, the occasional odd news story, photos, and links to people and things things which just might help your business grow. You might have something YOU want to promote as well.
There will never be anything on the blog or in the newsletter that I wouldn't have myself. There will never be an automatic shopping cart or link to a point of purchase on the newsletter. I want you to know where to get the things mentioned, but I do not actively solicit advertising.
It is that simple. If you do purchase something from one of the featured companies and you have a BAD experience, let me know and I will be all over them like flies on a restaurant dumpster. I print ALL reviews, good and bad, regardless of my personal relationship with the vendor.
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU who keep this thing going.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Money-Making Ideas From Around the Country
Sonny Goldfin invites anyone with an interest in learning about a way to help your clients go into retirement DEBT FREE to attend a special webinar on September 10th. If you cannot attend but would still like information, please email me at and I will send information. I am not involved with this group yet, but from all indications, I definitely WANT to be
Introduction to the Money Merge Account.
Monday 9/10/07 @ 8pm (Central) 7pm (Mountain)
For Video:
For Audio: (605) 772-3434 Access Code 183-872-440#
(please mention that you were sent by Sonny Goldfin and the Financial Advisors Netzone Blog)
MMA 100 - Introduction to the Money Merge Account
Wednesday 9/12/07 @ 11am (Central) 10am (Mountain)
For Video:
For Audio: (605) 772-3434 Access Code 623-763-397#
Scott Brooks of ROLLOVER tells me the training he provides is helping advisors
loosen the vise grip of the no-load record keepers. Advisors learn insider secrets which level the playing field when going after lucrative rollover accounts. As always FAN readers get a discount- just mention FAN or put the FAN code in the box when you order.
If you have something you are doing (it doesn't have to be related to financial services-just to helping people) and you think others can benefit- email me at I will check it out and if I think it has some merit- I will post it here. You never know who you will meet through FAN.
Friday, September 7, 2007
First off- a big thank you to all who emailed me recently. I had some good, helpful feedback from agents and reps. There was a lot of goodwill extended to the KINKY FRIEDMAN As Marketing Guru story and a clamor for more Kinkyisms. I suppose I will have to come up with part 2. My main dude TODD V. had some good feedback on the new website.
Gracias, Todd- live long and PROSPER.
The Missing Link..
My Jersey dude, Sonny Goldfin, says the hyperlink I included with the story on his success with United First Financial is not working properly.
"There is some problem on the website. You can still get the correct information about this fantastic opportunity, but you need to contact me in order to find out more about signing up," he says.
If you want to find out about the value-added service you can provide to your clients which will have them singing your praises- email Sonny at Be sure to include UFF- Fan Blog in the subject line so it will get past the spam filters.
The Last of the Independents? CROCK RULES!
If you are an agent focused primarily on annuities, you probably know that certain regulatory agencies and PR-seeking insurance commissioners are working day and night to get you under their thumbs.
A growing number of states now interpret the act of moving money that was in any securities-based account into a fixed annuity as giving "investment advice," and are pursuing agents with a vengeance.
Are there really that many bad apples in the financial services barrel or is this yet another knee-jerk reaction to a not-so-pervasive problem? I don't there are that there are that many baddies- most of them would be out of business in a couple of years, wouldn't they? The government prowls about like a snake- seeking whom and what to regulate. ( Sorry- my anarchist side is showing..)
While the motivations may be a bit dubious, the powers behind the move to make annuity guys and gals extinct are relentless in achieving this goal. Too much money and too many egos are invested to stop the "No Insurance Salesperson Left Alone" program.
"BM ", a young agent on the other coast, sees the handwriting on the wall. He emailed me about how to become an RIA (without pulling out too much hair in the process).
I have personally been contacted by a couple of people claiming they have easy, affordable, and fast systems to help agents become RIA's. However, only one of them has really stood out as being the potential frontrunner- REGISTERED INDEPENDENT ADVISORS.
A few days ago, I had a great conversation with Tami Lucius, who heads REGISTERED INDEPENDENT ADVISORS. She says that her company has developed the most streamlined, comprehensive system to help agents navigate the complexities of the RIA process. She also assures me that FAN readers will be treated with the utmost degree of loving kindness as befits their status as the smartest, wittiest, and best-looking of all blog readers.
Email me and I will put you in touch with the RIA folks who can guide you through the morass of bureaucracy and perhaps save you from extinction.
Seminar Direct Picks Up the Pieces
Tina Dixon, guress of direct mail, purveyor of perfect printing, and all-around good egg reports that SEMINAR DIRECT has acquired some of the assets of now-defunct, Houston-based POSTMARK DIRECT.
The most important assets acquired, according to Tina, were some of PD's top-level employees. This will give Seminar Direct an even more competitive advantage in producing professional collateral, seminar invitations, and direct mail campaigns.
As always, FAN readers will be escorted down the red carpet by Seminar Direct and given deals on pricing. Call Tina- say you saw it on FAN- and get an info packet and seminar-planning calendar- absolutely FREE. 888-629-1919.
(Sour) Grapes in the Midst
When I was a kid, I can remember getting unsolicited packages in the mail containing Easter or Christmas cards. The cards came from this or that charity and usually included an invoice.
This, of course, was a marketing ploy designed to make those of us who aren't used to not paying for things we get, pony up. On a large scale, this campaign must have been a roaring success, but in my mom's household such tactics were met with disdain .
The merchandise, instead of being returned to sender was often confiscated with the justification: "I didn't ask for it so I don't have to send it back." Legally, this was true.
Mom never ranted and raved about getting "junk mail" which really is in the eye of the beholder- she just did her thing and got on with her life. She considered unsolicited mail to be as minor an inconvenience as Junebugs on the front porch. Sweep them off and move on- life is too short to sweat minutiae.
I think the solicitations I get from the Cato Institute are a good read and very compelling marketing. My husband would trash them. Similarly, when he gets ads from Guitar Center, I attempt to toss them and get a harsh reprimand. My husband WANTS to know about the sale on amplifiers he will never, ever purchase or about the latest model of Taylor guitar which costs more than my car. As Todd V. pointed out-unsolicited email or snail mail is only annoying if it is something that doesn't interest us personally. Some men I know can't wait to get the Victoria's Secret catalogue. I, on the other hand, trash it in a pique of jealousy. (lol)
All this is leading up to a big gripe I have. That is that a handful of agents and advisors have managed to shut down my blog e-newsletter because they have decided it is SPAM and spam, as we all know is evil.
In one laughable instance of hypocrisy- a fellow who ranted and raved about my innocent email asking people to opt in or opt out, actually sent me an unsolicited email advertising HIS website!
Did I report him? NOOOOOOOOOOOO, although the temptation was great. The nerve of him- trying to sell me something! I mean, selling is wrong and shady and greedy isn't it? I hit the DELETE button and moved on down the line, knowing that it is my fault he sent me the email.
It is particularly ironic to me that some of guys and gals who spend half their lives trying to persuade retirees to entrust their life savings to them to "invest" get so utterly bent out of shape when a sales letter or information blurb arrives in their IN box. They swear up and down they never did anything to attract what they call SPAM (even though I have emails saying "put me on your list" from the same people who turned me in to my ISP as a spammer. Go figure..)
Now I am going to do something SHOCKING- I am going to defend Larry Klein here. OMG!
When I was working in eclectic Larryland, I never could understand why advisors and agents, would run over themselves whenever Larry had a new money-making idea, and then call me up and complain ad nauseum about all the marketing emails they subsequently got.
Granted, Larry sometimes overdid it, but sheesh- you guys are the ones wanting cures for what ails your sales. Larry merely followed up and DRIPPED on you after you went to a webinar or downloaded a free report, etc. You all said,"Larry, teach me how to do what you do." Well, HE DID and then you complained.
I have said it before- if you don't like what you read on the blog- post a rebuttal or stop reading. You don't want to read products and services reviews or comments from your fellow advisors- UNSUBSCRIBE to the e-newsletter. Hit delete. Move on.
This blog started because an agent rebuked me for my post-Klein negativity and encouraged me to do something helpful. It was not started so I could become a bigtime gurette and charge outrageous money for adspace. If it wasn't for my husband working extra hours (and griping about it, mind you) I would starve trying to make a living from this.
I am proud to say I haven't taken a penny of money for touting someone's product or service Any one of the people on this blog will tell you that they never paid me anything to write them up here. Instead, I asked them to provide discounts and freebies to BLOG readers. I told them that if I got negative comments, I would not suppress them. I am trying to remain as independent as possible. I try as hard as I can to retain some objectivity.
To all of you who opted in- and there were many- I thank you and apologize for the delay in getting the next issue out. To all of you who took the low road and self-righteously branded me a spammer- grow up.
The time you waste writing me vitriolic emails saying how "my state has some of the most stringent anti-spam laws in the nation" or lecturing me on the nuances of the CAN-SPAM law (about which you know nothing) could have been better spent trying to attract and retain the clients you keep saying you don't have. At least now we know why.. You are too busy crusading against evil to do anything which might make or save you money. To you I say, " OPT OUT- delete, and go away." I don't want to waste my expensive and precious bandwidth sending you stuff you will never appreciate because you know everything already.
Why should a few sour grapes be allowed to arbitrarily decide that other agents and advisors cannot have access to something they might find useful?
'Cause this is America, dammit-land of ten million maladjusted squeaky wheels who get to run things, sit in trees and chant, and make the rest of us drive ten miles out of the way to avoid running over spotted newts.
There, I got that off my chest. I hope that those of you who want to get updates via email and who WANT to find out about new stuff, will email me at I will turn these in to the ISP to prove that yes, people are getting something out of this effort and that they should release my account.
Otherwise, I am bound to say "SCREW IT!" and just stop trying.
Grouchily on the San Joaquin,