Saturday, June 28, 2008

How You Can Get Leads With Free Advertising

by Raleigh Pinskey
Promote Yourself!

'Without promotion, something terrible happens... NOTHING!! These are the famous words of P.T. Barnum of the side show and circus fame, indisputably the world's greatest promotion genius of all time.

Barnum spared no mercy planning the promotions he used to market his product to the masses. But utilizing promotions to get the people out to the show wasn't his main ring attraction. The promotions carried an ulterior motive. On the surface, they served to satisfy my principles of effective visibility marketing: they attracted notice to the primary product/business/talent/idea, added to and reinforced existing name recognition, expanded his networking web, contributed to a developing data base and increased revenue.

Just what was the primary reason for his infamous promotions? They were meticulously choreographed to inform the world of his shows and bring him a paying audience through free advertising. What Barnum basically did with this free advertising was use the media as his endorsement letter. The people who responded consciously or subconsciously became leads for products and other events yet to come.
By implementing promotions, garnering him hundreds of thousands of dollars of free advertising, his price per lead was extremely low, if not in some cases, in the minus column.

Picture this. Before opening night, he took the elephants on a walk through town, had clowns visit hospitalized children, and ran contests for school children so they'd beg their parents to take them to the show. He offered tours of the big top, and glimpses of the side show participants.

The media ate it up, and they eat it up now. Barnum's promotions have indelibly left a legacy. Every year when the circus opens at Madison Square Garden, the media shows up in droves to chronicle the magical elephant parade from the train yards in New Jersey, through the Holland Tunnel into the sawdust covered catacombs of Madison Square Garden.

To those who say a picture is worth a thousand words, I say only this... the picture plus words, when you can get them, is worth hundreds of thousand's of dollars in free advertising, because it leads you to more business.

Take the picture of a lovely lady demonstrating presentation skills in her free, two page trade journal article she wrote after listening to the tape on 'How To Make Yourself Media Friendly.' Her first call was not to an editor, but to the advertising department to cancel her quarter of a page ad order priced at $3,500. Multiply that by eight and see how much she saved. Now look at what the selfpromotion brought her. Her first article attracted two corporate projects at $50,000 each.

Her second article landed two retainers billed at $100,000 each.

How about that picture of the ominous looking piece of equipment situated behind the smiling owner of a transformer company, well placed above a quarter of a page in the business section of a local paper? It snared him several clients who immediately upped his revenue by 10%.

And I won dinner, because in my knowing, I encouraged his efforts, disputing his feelings that no one would be interested in what he had to offer. Couched the right way, with benefits rather than features, based on educating the public rather than self-praise, offering help and compassion for his misunderstood product rather than lashing out at the public's stupidity, the paper jumped at his request, hook line and sinker. The article, had he bought the space, would have cost $5,000. The leads he received, made him over $500,000!

One of the secrets-of-the-pros that I teach, is to then convert the article into a direct mail piece. Both of the clients have meaningfully increased their leads as well as received substantial peripheral business from those leads received through this non-invasive, third party endorsement of their product.

Several of my clients opted for the electronic media to cull their leads. They host radio and TV shows, or appear as guests. The transcript can then be used as a direct mail piece or a newsletter. A picture of them hosting a prominent member of their field, or them hosted by a prominent newscaster also makes a great promo piece. 'As Seen On TV,' or 'As Heard On The Radio,' is not a bad endorsement... wouldn't you say? Customers and clients love to be associated with a winner. And the media wouldn't lead them astray, now would it?

So, I ask you. Do you have 'an elephant' you can parade in front of the media to provide their audience with information that is life enhancing or life changing? Do you have a product, talent, idea or business that, with a little effort, you could convert into a 'media friendly' event? How about it? Can you inform, educate, entertain or provide a call to action as a result of what you do?

When planning your 'elephant,' here's the rule of thumb to follow if you want to get past the media gatekeeper. When creating your promotional event or interview, establish the raison d'etre, the reason for having it... and make sure you present it as selfless, not selfish. In other words, convert the purpose into those all important benefits... not features. Because if you present features and self-gratification, be prepared to hear the media tell you to 'TAKE AN AD!'

Wow them with 'how to' information, secrets, helpful hints, important points. Educate while you entertain. If you do this, if you tell them something they didn't know, then you'll make both you and the media heroes. And the world loves a hero.

Here is a sampling of examples from the 'Zen of Hype Viz-Ability Survival Kit,' guaranteed to make you media friendly (sm) and create leads for you. Use these examples as a catalyst for your own business. In each of these samples, notice the positioning of selfless vs. the selfish. You use your credentials and materials to tell them who you are, not the substance or content.

Many of these examples by themselves will create leads for you by nature of the event itself in their own sphere of influence. But multiply that circle by the media's circulation or listening audience and see what a savings that would be to your direct mail budget! Go for it. Find your elephant and walk it through the following paces:
" If you sell insurance, teach classes or present seminars on achieving financial independence. Create a niche by specializing in women or retired people.
" If you represent a nutritional product, do a cost-free public access TV show on health and nutrition.
" If you sell leather furniture and accessories, tape your talk into a walkman and give it to the customer.
" If you're in real estate sales, take active participation into the politics of your neighborhood.
" Hold a contest.

Then, approach the media describing how your efforts can benefit their audience. With the right hook and the right twist, the right interest can translate into interesting stories for TV and radio news segments, TV and radio talk show segments, and Metro or Lifestyle newspaper stories, all bursting with potential leads.

And don't forget to list your event or happening in the Calendar section!

How many times have you opened a paper, turned on a TV or listened to a radio talk show and asked yourself, 'How did they get on the show?' And how many times did you tell yourself you can be the one telling them something interesting about what you know? You're the one they should be talking to!

And how many times did you wish you had the money to advertise in order to bring in more leads? Next time, consider making yourself media friendly and doing free advertising to get those leads. The more frequently you present information that educates and entertains, or offer up meaningful ways to give back to those who support you, the more free advertising dollars you can earn for yourself, meaning the more potential you have for increasing your lead generation.

Be your own P.T. Barnum. Don't procrastinate any longer.

Prepare, Promote and Prosper!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Should You Write A Book?

by Steven Van Yoder
Get Slightly Famous

One morning, you open your inbox and find several e-mails that will
boost your business. There is an invitation to speak at a local group
comprised of your best prospects. Several emails have arrived from
people who've "heard of you" and inquire about your services.

There is a message from a potential joint venture partner who has
invited you to be a guest on a teleconference that will reach 500
people, all of them prospects. Later that day, a journalist calls. She
wants to write a story about your business, which she heard about on a
radio interview you gave weeks earlier.

Is this a fantasy? No. This could be a typical day in your life as a published author.

More and more business people are realizing the power of writing a book
to catapult their businesses to a higher level. Speakers, consultants,
coaches, therapists and other small business owners are learning that
publishing a book is one of the most powerful marketing strategies

Published authors report that their lives change, often dramatically,
when their books reach the marketplace. When you become an author, you
become known as the expert. When you are known as an expert in your
field, whatever your field, you will find that the world will beat a
path to your door.

A Book Generates Visibility and Attracts Clients

Of all the information products you can create, a book has the greatest
potential to open doors. A book can give you more recognition and
professional credibility than audiotapes, CDs, videos, seminars,
workshops and public speaking.

Since my book Get Slightly Famous (2nd edition) was published last year, I have been amazed at how it has transformed my business.

Publishing my book was a newsworthy event that resulted in tens of
thousands of dollars in new business, high-profile media coverage,
speaking engagements, radio interviews, partnership opportunities, and
too many other benefits to mention.

Prospective clients now hear about me from all over the world. The
media regularly call me, and I appear in newspaper articles and radio

Get Slightly Famous is not just my most effective marketing tool. It
has become the core of my brand identity. My book provides a marketing
platform for my business that gives all my marketing efforts a natural,
sharp focus.

Best of all, marketing is not such a struggle anymore.

As a successful author you will find the stress of constantly seeking
new clients can largely become a thing of the past. Clients will seek
you out, ready to pay good money for your services, because you are
seen as a leader in your field. You become their first choice.

It's Not Just a Book -- It's a Business!

Your book is the seed from which you can grow a multi-faceted "empire''
of related products and services, including seminars, teleclasses,
reports, consulting packages, audiotapes, and other profitable
information products.

Imagine selling thousands of books to trade associations as premiums
for their members. Or how about creating a $49-a-month newsletter, a
$995 home-study course, a $499 a year membership web site? Could you
use your book as the basis for a year-long mentorship program for which
individuals or groups that pay thousands of dollars a piece to

The idea is to see your book as a launching pad for new business opportunities.

Barbara Hemphill used her book Taming The Paper Tiger
to develop a multi-pronged branding strategy. Hemphill offers
organizing skills services designed to reduce stress and increase
productivity. Her business is based almost entirely on her book.

Barbara has used her book to develop Taming the Paper Tiger software,
gain an endorsement by Pendaflex, and found the Hemphill Productivity
Institute. Her company now employs more than 70 Paper Tiger authorized
consultants across the U.S. and Canada.

You can write a book!

Me, publish a book, you ask? Yes, you. It is easier than you might
think, and you don't need to be a seasoned writer to become a published

Writing a successful book is not the easiest thing in the world, but it
is entirely possible. The talents and expertise you bring to your
clients can form the basis of a successful book. If you know your
subject area, and can communicate your ideas in a clear, compelling,
organized manner, becoming a published author is within your reach.

A strategy that works for many is to break the process into smaller
steps by writing a series of articles. They then become the basis for a
book. Or, you can work with a talented freelance writer to help you
express your ideas clearly and with conviction.

The most traditional route is to find a publisher who will handle the
production, marketing, promotion and distribution. This involves up
front work (you write a detailed proposal, a table of contents, sample
chapters and a market overview). Then you shop the proposal around to
potential publishers, either on your own or with the help of a
commissioned agent.

Self-publishing has many advantages over traditional publishing, the
most compelling being greater financial returns for the author. "When
you self-publish, you keep all the profits," says Dan Poynter, author
of The Self-Publishing Manual. "Additionally, you get into print quickly, own the copyright, and take all applicable tax breaks."

On the downside, self-publishing can be expensive. You pay up front for
all the production and distribution costs, and if your book does not
sell, you will be stuck with the leftover inventory. However, if your
book is successful, you will not only have the satisfaction and
advantages of being a published author, you will make more money.

Whatever publishing route you choose, the Internet provides a global
marketplace for your book. Never before has it been so easy to market a
book if you are willing to invest the time and energy to write one.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The $40 Bowl of Oatmeal

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

I AM ADMITTEDLY a skeptic, which I think often pays off out here in the land of fruits and nuts (aka California.) There are always all sorts of wild claims and exaggerated success stories floating around. You have to filter, filter, filter.


I am never too much of a skeptic to risk disappointment by trying new ideas and programs. It keeps me openminded and flexible. And ya never know...

New York Times Bestseller The Secret, has intrigued millions by mainstreaming the idea that YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Even hard science has acknowledged the brain has trouble differentiating between a powerful, IMAGINED event and a real one. So maybe there is something to this after all.

My personal experiment: to listen to my intuitive voice for one day and follow its recommendations.

My first stop was a small local diner where I ordered my usual cholesterol-busting meal of slow-cooked oatmeal and fruit.

I don't normally allow my inner voice to speak during meals. I find it slows me down from the task at hand and interferes with my digestion.

This time, though, I put down my coffee and listened. The "voice" urged to leave an outrageous tip which brought the cost of the meal to over $40!

"You're crazy, voice," I said. "I am struggling to get by and you want me to spend $40.00 on a bowl of oatmeal? NO WAY!" After a few moments of inner turmoil, I gave in and left a tip which left the waitress slack-jawed.

IS there something to this law of attraction idea? Is it just coincidence? Is it that thoughts control actions and ACTIONS produce results good and bad?

I'm not sure, but when I checked my mailbox that day, I had a nice check from someone who did not owe me money with a note saying, "I just wanted to send you this."

Weird and worth looking into.

Find Out If This Can Help You Break Through The Mental Barriers To Success

Most of you know I am big on mentoring and coaching and have a couple of coaches myself.
The recent survey I did for the ezine revealed that many of you are not sold on the idea of adding a good coach to your business toolbox.

You are missing out if you don't look into it. All the top businessmen and success gurus had coaches- from Tony Robbins to The Donald. Many of the top financial advisors I know personally have told me that a good coach made all the difference.

That is the reason I started the "Masters and Mentors" webinar series. It is a chance for you to spend some time getting to know some of the top coaches and trainers in the business.
For a nominal fee- you can "audition" a particular expert to find out if he or she is a good fit for your business, while at the same time getting some useful information you can put into practice NOW.

I will resume the series later this month. In the meantime, I will feature a different coach or trainer every week, to help you get to know them. This week, I am pleased to introduce you to Jeffrey Howard of MasterMind Mentor.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are Boomers Happy to Forego Retirement?

By Sean Silverthorne

As a Baby Boomer I’ve suddenly taken an interest in that annual letter from the government showing how much I can expect from Social Security at retirement age.

But it’s an intellectual exercise, to be truthful. I have no intention to “retire” from work. I plan to work as long as I can, although what I choose to work at may change and I’ll be carving out a flexible schedule to be able to pursue other interests.

My attitude is not uncommon among the Boomer generation, says Tammy Erickson in a recent blog post on Harvard Business. She cites a Merrill Lynch study concluding that seven out every ten adults plan to work in some capacity past age 65, with almost half of those adults never planning to stop working completely. Says Erickson:

Yes, people certainly want to work in different ways — with more flexibility and control. Most do not want to work as hard or as long as they are in their 50’s for another thirty years. But most want to work.

Of course some will continue to work because they don’t have a choice; more Boomers than not have failed to save enough gold for their “Golden Years.” But Erickson believes that most folks in this generation will work because they want to, not because they have to.

Lucky us, then. The demographics are in our favor because a worker shortage is forecast over the next few decades. As my BNET colleague Jessica Stillman points out, companies are now figuring out how to entice their older workers to stay rather than ushering them out the door with a gold watch and pat on the fanny.

How are you thinking about retirement these days? Is your ideal a Florida golf course seven days a week? Maybe you’ll use these years to give back to the community. Some of us will head back to the classroom either to learn or to teach. And still others will be stocking shelves at the Big Box down the street to pay the bills.

What’s the future hold for you?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do You Need A Guru, Baby?

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

"What Do Advisors Really Want?"

In hopes of finding out the answer to this age-old question, I recently sent out a short survey to a few of you. (BTW- thanks to those who replied.)

Most of the results mirrored my expectations, but there was one small surprise. When asked whether or not they felt a mentor or coach would help their business, nearly 18% of those polled said they felt a coach or mentor would NOT help their business.

I haven't followed up with those folks yet to see if a bad experience in the past has soured them on coaching, but 18% is a LOT of folks who say they either don't need or don't want help.

This flies in the face of what successful advisors and entrepreneurs have told me: that having a mentor, a sensei, a trusted coach on their staff has been a key ingredient in their financial and personal growth. At the recent RULES FOR RENEGADES SUMMIT, millionaire entrepreneurs from Christine Comaford-Lynch to Jack Canfield talked about the importance of mentors to their businesses.

Many entrepreneurs tell me that being ACCOUNTABLE to someone outside their business has moved them from an information junkie to an ACTION-TAKER. Mentors can prod a person to develop the habits of success and steer them away from things that are not working in their lives and businesses.

Choosing a coach is a very personal process; academic pedigrees and titles don't count for much unless there is a CONNECTION. This is why it is important to "audition" your coaches before commiting to a long term contract.

A good coach or mentor will always give you a chance to get to know him or her before you invest your time and money. FAN is working to host more free and low-cost webinars to assist you in finding the coach that is right for you.

Quantifying results

You all know I am big on being able to see immediate, quantifiable results from ALL your sales and marketing efforts. Dollars in should equal dollars out.

With coaching, it is a bit more subjective. Sometimes, a coach or trainer may come up with a marketing idea which results in X number of new clients. Sometimes, he or she simply gets you to focus better on what you are already doing or helps you with a personal problem which is holding you back.

With coaching, you have to ask yourself some questions: Can I see an OVERALL improvement in my business and/or my life? Can I see an impact in my practice bottom line? Are things better than they were before and what is that WORTH to me?

If you are interested in exploring coaching and mentoring, email me at: and I will send you a short list of coaches, trainers, and mentors who come highly recommended to me. All of them are top notch and all of them have this in common: THEY THRIVE ON YOUR SUCCESS!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Beware the Marketing Alchemists!

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

I once heard a minister say, "Success in life consists not so much in finding the one person or thing which will make you happy as in avoiding the countless others who will make you miserable." AMEN!

I am applying this adage to sales and marketing in deciding to write my new EBOOK "
THINK AND GROW DISENCHANTED: 25 Time-Tested, Proven Ways To Screw Up Your Marketing, Waste Time and Money, And Have More Excuses to Whine Than Ever Before...


It is my belief that it is often easier to learn how to NOT do something than it is to learn to DO something. With that in mind, my book pierces the mystic veil of marketers, divulging the secrets they don't want anyone else to know (lest they become redundant!) and debunking the hyped-up gurus who assure you that simply buying their SYSTEM WILL SKYROCKET YOUR BUSINESS TO THE TOP! Uh huh...

In the previous post I said the Rules for Renegades Summit was one of the best-executed business success functions I have ever attended.

It also gave me renewed desire to become financially successful by helping all of YOU learn to do the same.

S0, use the form on this blog and SIGN UP NOW for the preview of the book. I will send you the link to my TOP SECRET 42 BLOG as well as a Goldmail preview.

Thanks and happy marketing!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey Ya'll!

Brendon Burchard author of
"Life's Golden Ticket"

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

SORRY it's been so long since I last posted, but...

I just got back from Christine Comaford-Lynch's RULES FOR RENEGADES Summit in Irvine, California and my head is still spinning (not like in the Exorcist or anything, but spinning in a good way.)

The RFR Summit was one of the few I have attended that actually lived up to the hype. It was a fast paced networking event that,to my astonishment, was packed to the gills with content.

One thing I love about Christine Comaford-Lynch and her "posse" is that they don't believe in presenting seminars which have the nutrition value of sugar water. There was real CONTENT, genuine motivation, and lots of laughs with Brendon Burchard, Jack Canfield, Alex Mandossian, Mark Victor Hansen, Dave Lakhani, Christine, and others.

It was one of the best all-around entrepreneur workshops I have ever attended and I hope I will be able to offer the tapes to you. Keep checking back.