Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Forget Thursday's Webinar-"Using Automation to Get and Keep Clients"

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Consuming large amounts of information is a way of life for most financial professionals. As always, I am happy to oblige your passion for knowledge, so I am sponsoring a TRAINING SESSION for those who are interested in learning how to use Goldmail and Send Out Cards in their businesses.

This is all meat- no fluffy filler. Come only if you want to learn HOW AND IF these systems can help you muscle through tough times.

For the past several months, you have been hearing me talk about the "Ultimate Referral" system and Goldmail. Some of you have even been to the webinars with David Frey or have downloaded the recordings or watched the "Referral Movie."
1. Are fun and easy to do
2. Are cost-effective
3. Actually WORK
Over a thousand people have either attended or downloaded the webinars I have done with Sid Walker and David Frey explaining THE ULTIMATE REFERRAL SYSTEM...

And dozens of you have signed up for a GOLDMAIL trial at http://www.goldmail.com/partner/16540.html.

That's very gratifying, but I couldn't help but wonder why only a choice few of you ACTED and actually embraced these systems as your own?

Too expensive? Too difficult? Unclear on the possibilities? Don't believe it can work for YOU? Think compliance won't go for it?
I'm not sure what the problem is, but I know I want to solve it because I believe that if you USE these systems correctly and consistently, YOU WILL position yourself to be the trusted expert to whom those in crisis turn. I also feel like the systems give you more BANG for the BUCK than most anything else around.

So, I decided to do a nuts and bolts live demo of both Send Out Cards and Goldmail. I plan to show you, step by step, how anyone can learn these two powerful tools and position themselves ahead of the pack.

Information and lots of it and a chance to try it yourself for FREE!
I know financial professionals like to have tons of information. And you certainly will get information in this demo...

But there is a point where you have to decide, once and for all, if you can profit from having two of the world's most innovative and effective marketing tools working for you.

You should attend this presentation if:

1. You've been wanting to sign up, but haven't yet. Consider this your "Round Tuit".
Perhaps you've been on the verge for months, but you just need a "tad" more info.

2. You aren't confident that you can learn how to use such systems- technology is a
little daunting for you.

3. You haven't been able to make the David Frey webinars or watch the downloads

4. You already have Send Out Cards or Goldmail accounts, but you haven't really
figured out how to use them.

Join me on Thursday, October 30th at 9AM Pacific, 11AM Central, and NOON Eastern for this no cost live demonstration:

ONLY THE first 15 to register AND ATTEND will get the chance to send a card for NADA- no charge, nothing you have to purchase.

There are only 15 of these accounts available so only those who register early and show up will get them.

Paste in or click on this link to register or learn more:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Slott Link Fixed-4 More Days Left to Listen!

... from Tammy

Apologies to some of you who tried the download link to ED SLOTT's teleseminar recording and had trouble. The problem seems to be resolved now and you can download and listen to:

Actions That Unlock Million Dollar IRAs

What to say and do--right now--to get $1 million IRA owners to move their money to YOU!

We will have the page up ONLY UNTIL OCTOBER 29th.


If you have never seen Ed Slott live and you work in the financial services industry (particularly in the estate planning and IRA rollover areas) you definitely should check him out at his last live gig of the year.


Or Call: Get $200 off instantly when you use the FAN code. If you call in to register, be sure they know you saw it on FAN so you will get your discount.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Miss Yesterday's Webinar? You can still Hear It

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

I really enjoyed bringing you information on how to design a stay in touch program to help you keep your clients close in tough times.

If you missed it, or had to leave early, here is a link you can use for the next ten days to get a free recording.


Do you work with IRA rollovers? Be sure to listen to
Ed Slott's Free Webcast: What to do and say in a down economy to unlock million dollar IRA's (exclusive FAN presentation)

America's IRA expert, Ed Slott, brings his entertaining and unique ideas for advisors who work with high net worth retirees. This one hour presentation is content rich and delivered in Ed's engaging and witty style.

This recording is available to all FAN readers at no cost, but you must listen before October 29th.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Miss It- The Final David Frey Live Webinar- Tomorrow (Tuesday October 21st)

How You Can Profit From Tough Times By Developing An Effective Stay In Touch System- With David Frey- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st

Join us for a Webinar on October 21 10AM Pacific, 12 NOON CENTRAL, and 1PM Eastern


Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Proctor and Gamble, Kellogg's, Chevrolet...

All these companies BOOMED following the stock market crash of 1929.

What were they doing differently and what lessons can today's entrepreneurs learn from them?

Tammy de Leeuw (aka "The Grouchy Marketing Lady") and Internet marketing guru David Frey (The Small Business Marketing Bible) are teaming up for their final live webinar.

And they want you to be there!

If you attended David's ULTIMATE REFERRAL WEBINAR, you know the system he uses to attract referrals and keep his clients close is one of the easiest, most automated, and cost-effective tools around.

Now, more than ever you need to keep the clients you already have feeling happy and cared-for. This system allows you to do just that and have more fun doing it.

Who should attend:

Entrepreneurs of all stripes who never had a chance to attend Sid Walker or David Frey's ULTIMATE REFERRAL webinars.

Those who attended but have questions or want another look at the mechanics of the system.

Those who want to find other ideas about retaining clients and thriving during turbulent times.

Everyone who attends and registers will receive a brand new GROUCHY PACK containing loads of free stuff to help your business THRIVE.

Schedule conflict? Register anyway and we'll send you the link to the recording AND the GrouchyPack.

OCTOBER 21st 10:AM Pacific, NOON Central, and 1PM Eastern

How You Can Profit From Tough Times By Developing An Effective Stay In Touch System

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT Noon Central and 1PM Eastern

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bears and Stovebolts and Soap Operas

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Wow! It has been a tough week for most of us in the US as we try to make sense of what's happening both economically and politically. Compounding the problem is the worldwide pervasiveness of "sheeple," folks who digest everything the media tells them and start panic-induced selling. I bet some of you are hoarse from trying to calm your clients down.

The panic problem stems from "stinkin thinkin" that says we should all be able to reap unlimited huge gains and never experience risk, or that we can palm off our personal risk on the government or some other entity.

"All gain and no risk" is an attractive idea in theory, and one which has been dutifully exploited by certain product pushers, but it just doesn't play out in the real world.

We now have ourselves quite a mess, made even worse by the visible, klutzy hand of government.

All of the instability, uncertainty, and unpredictability (and that's just from the candidates!) caused me to do a bit of research as to WHY some companies weather these kinds of storms and even prosper, while some topple at the first stiff wind.

Most of us had a GRAPES OF WRATH education when it came to learning about the Great Depression. Yes, it was pretty devastating for a lot of people, and a lot of companies disappeared off the planet. Then there was a drought and all sorts of other things going on which contributed to the nightmare.

However, contrary to what we learned in school, not everyone lost everything in the stock market crash, and not every business went belly up. Some people even STARTED businesses right smack dab in the middle of the Depression. Imagine that!

I looked at a few companies, including Proctor and Gamble, Hallmark Cards, and Chevrolet to see how they fared after the Crash of 1929.

Proctor and Gamble Floats Above the Competition

This iconic American corporation experienced some of its biggest growth during the Great Depression. Seizing the opportunity to best a weakened competition, P&G increased its advertising, public relations, and branding campaigns, instead of eliminating them like some of its competitors.

Ever hear of SOAP OPERAS? Well, radio soaps came into their own during the Depression and P&G was one of the earliest companies to sponsor them. The result of all this attention to attracting customers? Huge profits and P&G products in nearly every home in America.

Chevrolet and the "Stovebolt" Six Motor Over Henry Ford

Chevy became top dog in the car world due a combination of a KILLER product, the "Stovebolt Six", and an aggressive, in your face ad campaign. By 1931 Chevrolet had wrested the sales lead from Ford and would hold that lead for most of the next 30 years. (Tammy loves cars as do all good Texas gals..) They had a beautiful car and a handle on the fact that PEOPLE BUY WHAT THEY WANT and not what they need.

Hallmark- Spreading the Hope Pays Off

The company Joyce C. Hall started from two shoeboxes full of postcards in the mid 1900's became the dominant player in the greeting card business. Hallmark rose to household name status during the Depression due to its exceptional management philosophies and folksy advertising. Hallmark went through the entire Depression without having to lay off a single worker!

My point is, rough economic times can be very instructive. As individuals, we learn what really matters, we learn how to do without things we once considered necessities, and we learn that every gain carries risk.

As entrepreneurs, we can learn how to attract the money that is out there and KEEP our exisiting clients happy and satisfied. We can learn how to do MORE EFFECTIVE MARKETING and to stop wasting time and money on things which don't work and never will.

For those of you in the financial services industry who are relationship-driven and client-focused, this might be your biggest opportunity ever. Your expertise and attention could be the cure for someone who has suddenly and painfully realized that their advisor just did not do his or her job.

There is a lot of dissatisfaction with financial advisors right now. It's a perfect time for honest, competent, and caring advisors to become client magnets!

Call me and we can discuss how to do just that. 888-471-9461

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Free 4 All- More Stuff for Agents and Advisors

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Friday was my first-ever demonstration of the Send Out Cards system. Thanks to those of you who attended.

I did re-record the session, "How to Do A Campaign" and it is available until October 12th.
Click here to get the download: https://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=R3owY05uTmE1bmhjR0E9PQ

Send a card for FREE by going to www.socreview.com/grouchymarketinglady. (LIMITED NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE)

The clock is ticking on some of the other Free Stuff for Advisors offered through the FAN blog.

Track Your Advertising

Looking to get more out of your advertising dollars? Track your ads with Call Tracker, and know which campaigns work. When calls come in, you’ll know who they went to, which campaigns drove traffic…and which didn’t. You’ll save money when you focus on your most productive ads 24 hours a day. Use toll-free numbers for a big image or use regional numbers for a trusted, local image.

View online, interactive reports in bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts that can be broken down from a monthly overview to a detailed hourly view.

Sign Up Special for Tammy de Leeuw and the Financial Advisor Netzone referrals: FREE activation plus 1 free month with no contracts or long-term commitments. Offer good until October 30th.

Find out more:http://www.patlive.com/signup/FAN

The Easiest Way to Add Voice Over Visuals to Your Communications

Enhance your communications by using the simple, effective voice over visual messaging from Goldmail. Unlike many other applications, Goldmail does not require a video camera or any special training or technical aptitude.

I always recommend that you "try before you buy" and Goldmail offers you that option in the form of a fully functional 14-day trial. Check it out at:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Create Your Ultimate Referral Campaign

Friday, October 3, 10 AM Pacific, Noon Central, 1PM Eastern

Live Demo and Training-
Ultimate Referral System:Create Your First Campaign

Webinar Registration

Whether you are already using the Ultimate Referral System or are new and want to learn to use your system better, you should attend this free training.

In this one hour webinar, you will learn step by step how you can use the Ultimate Referral System to create unforgettable, custom cards- cards that get you more referrals and help keep you on your current clients' minds.

You will then learn how to use those cards in a campaign designed to help you get more referrals and appointments.

With the Campaigns feature, you can create your own custom greeting cards and upload them into an AUTOMATED campaign to make sure that no hot prospect or client is forgotten.

We will be putting together a "Let's Do Lunch" campaign similar to the one David Frey demonstrated at his recent webinar.

If you have been thinking of signing up for the URS, this training will be an ideal way for you to see if you can use this system to grow your own business.

Register using this link: