Monday, July 16, 2007

Advisor Feedback on Rollover Coach

Some of you probably know about the 40% off FAN discount for the Rollover Coach training program. I have gotten a bit of feedback on the program. (don't worry- I will print anything negative I get too. But so far- so good.) If you order, be sure to put the discount code FAN in the box on the order form.

I stayed late tonight to listen to the CD's. Lots of information.
Great insight to the different rollover processes. I did not know
about the division layoffs creating opportunities. Opened my eyes
to new opportunities !

Thanks so much !
Joe (CFP with 10+ years experience)

What an education!
This series is a must listen for anyone who is
serious about cracking the 401k rollover market.
From prospecting to affirmative decision to place an account with you, Scott covers
the whole spectrum! The section covering age 55 separation from
service allowed me to teach our family financial advisor how to
handle our personal rollover and saved us nearly $100k in
unnecessary taxes. This information is past informative. It's
actionable. Get it now! -External Wholesaler with 2oYears in the Business

I have been in the business nearly 20 years and I learned a few
things from your manual. I will incorporate those in future
rollover business.

Doug R....

If anyone else has a training program that you are using and it is HELPING you in your practice or it was a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY, please let me know.

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