Wednesday, September 5, 2007

They Burn Mortgages, Don't They?

Rarely Seen in California (land of the 50-year

SONNY GOLDFIN reports that United First Financial is a powerful way to attract and RETAIN clients. By helping your clients pay off their mortgages in 1/2 to 1/3 the time, you help them enter retirement without the burden of a house payment. You also save them LOTS of money over the life of the loan without making very many changes in their day-to-day spending. This is a value added service which will make you a hero to your clients and virtually ensure that they won't want to change advisors. Check out the possibilities.


A while back, MATT ALEXANDER sent me an email concerning the difficulties faced by advisors when they either want to choose their first broker-dealer or when they desire to change their broker-dealer.

Rampant litigation, burdensome regulations, and paranoia on both sides has turned the courtship dance between broker-dealers and their independently-minded reps into a complicated tightrope act. Researching broker-dealers, while essential to forming successful relationships, has become a real drag.

Enter .

This is a very well-thought-out website which utilizes a 30 point screening questionaire to assist you in finding the perfect BD for your own style. I tried it out last night and was impressed- it takes away a lot of the burden. Like a dating service, narrows the possibilities, making it easier for you to find "the one."


As I reported yesterday, Jeff Allyn of Scott Cole and Associates in Oakland, California
tells us that we are starting to see the first wave of lawsuits regarding overtime for financial professionals here in California. And, as you are all aware, California tends to be a trendsetter-for the good or for the bad. Expect more big cases involving legitimate overtime and expenses. If you are California-based professional and feel you may be owed for overtime or expenses, you can get a plan for action by contacting Scott Cole and Associates.

The World Savings Tower

1970 Broadway, Ninth Floor
Oakland, California 94612
Telephone: 510-891-9800
Toll-Free: 877-367-6477


It doesn't cost anything to have me look at what you have. If you are a financial professional with a great idea, interesting website, or a new marketing technique, please email me at: Send me a sample or link, and I will take a look at what is exciting to you and do a write-up if I think it is on-the-level and useful to the readers.

Also, if you see something here that you have tried- I want to hear about your experiences- good or bad. Post your comments or email me.

The purpose of this blog is NOT to sell advertising, but to find things which will make it easier for all of us to make more money.


Anonymous said...


I went through a BD change last year and certainly could have used a tool like I just went through the website, answered all of the questions, and ended up with a short-list of most of the companies that made my actual short-list from last year...

A quick note to those contemplating a BD switch... Make sure that you send the new BD 100% of your advertising, seminar, etc materials IN ADVANCE of any contemplated switch so that their compliance dept can give you thumbs up/thumbs down in writing. If you trust the recruiter that "everything should be OK", you will likely find yourself not able to use some things that might be an important part of your practice.

Another thing to pay special attention to is the use of designations... Make sure that you get a written statement from the BD regarding their policies on the use of your specific designations... Again, if you don't, you will likely be told that you will not be able to use some of them because of potential "trends in the industry"...


Anonymous said...

I used united first's money merge account and it really helped me take care of a burdensome mortage. I don't what i would have done otherwise!

Great post :)