by Christine Comaford
CEO. Mighty Ventures
We've talked quite a bit about establishing the proper mindset to succeed in business and in life. But like anything else, sometimes your focus can get a little off-kilter.
That's why, every so often, you have to take a breather and perform a self assessment. This is essential, or years later you could wake up miles downstream from where you
planned. Think about it: Do you want your life to lead you or do you want to lead your life? I personally prefer the latter.
So here's how to do it: Twice a year (say, once in the summer and once in the winter), get completely away from it all.
If you can afford it, go away by yourself. If you can't, just try and find a place away from all the hustle and bustle. Spend this valuable time alone with your thoughts. Ask yourself questions like:
Is my personal life working?
Is my career working?
Am I being patient with the changes that take time?
Am I appreciating all that I have?
Am I tolerant of those with different struggles?
Am I achieving my goals in all these seven areas: Financial & Wealth, Career, Free Time/Fun, Health & Appearance, Relationships, Personal Development, Community & Charity?
Take a journal and write down your thoughts, your goals, and your dreams. It's extremely therapeutic, and you'll be surprised at what comes out on paper.
I go on four retreats a year, sometimes more. No fancy spas...just me, alone with my thoughts. I hike, spend time in nature, dream. For days I'll just be by myself, recharging my batteries,
perhaps focusing my attention on a single problem or issue I need help with.
Doesn't that sound great? You can do it too, but you have to plan accordingly. So do yourself a favor right now:
Pull out your calendar and find a weekend when you can get away. It could even be an overnight trip if you're pressed for time. Then block it off, make a reservation, and DO NOT cancel.
When you return, I guarantee that you'll feel 100 times better about who you are and where you're going.
That's it for now...until next time, may all your ventures
Christine Comaford is the bestselling author of RULES FOR RENEGADES and has assisted hundreds of entrepreneurs in learning how to run profitable, fun businesses. Her MIGHTY MINUTE e-newsletter is available for free at: | |
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