Monday, September 29, 2008

Chips Off the Old Blog

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Tired of FIGHTING to close sales? Try SID WALKER'S SELLING WITHOUT WRESTLING preview Thursday, October 2.

If you missed SID WALKER's preview teleconference for the SELLING WITHOUT WRESTLING series or if you want to listen again, Sid will offer another live session this Thursday.

To Sign Up:

LIVE! 60-minute FREE PREVIEW Teleseminar
Thursday Afternoon, October 2, 2008
12:00 pm PT • 1:00 pm MT • 2:00 pm CT • 3:00 pm ET
Cost: FREE

Time to Update Your Client Contact Methods?
Special for FAN Readers: One Month of FREE 800# Service From PAT LIVE

is one of the oldest, most-respected telephone answering services in the marketing industry, offering unparalled service and value for all your SEMINARS, direct mail, and virtual office needs. They have some very cool services to help you with client attraction and retention and you can try them free or at greatly discounted rates: For details go to:

Direct Mail IS BACK!

Direct mail never really DIED, but it did fall out of favor somewhat as the internet grew in scope and popularity. Everyone and their uncle's uncle wanted to plaster their ads on websites and podcasts and social networking sites. Well...

The absolute glut of emails most of us get these days along with the presence of pop-up blockers, anti-ad software, and general WEB BURNOUT, is thrusting old-fashioned direct mail back into the forefront again.

The key to effective direct mail is learning how to let go of trying to be cute and clever, or "artsy" and instead crafting pieces which get READ and ACTED UPON. It doesn't do you much good if you have pretty stuff that gets you no results.

FAN has partnered with the nation's leading technology trade printer to offer you FULL SERVICE printing for all your direct mail. For pricing that is often less than online discounters, our direct mail service includes: lists with filters, a live operator or 24 Hour Hotline service, all design and copywriting, customer care and followup, and first class postage.

We will do everything possible on our end to ensure your seminar invitations or direct mail pieces get RESULTS. Call me today to set up an appointment.

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