Thursday, November 27, 2008

Get Off The Wheel In 2009

Prepare for the Coming Year: Automate Your Practice!

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Thanks to all of our new MASS COMMISSION members. You took the first step toward making your business more enjoyable and prosperous in the coming year. My belief is that you will
be richly rewarded for your investment in yourselves. (PS: enjoy your Omaha (TM) steaks- they are delicious

The program is now officially closed and won't open again until we determine that all current members have learned to implement (and profit from) the system. If we do decide to re-open this members-0nly service, I will be sure to post that information here.

Last chance to check it out this year

There is not one of us who hasn't been touched by recent economic events. That being said, there probably isn't one of us who was really surprised by the course things have taken. We saw it coming for a long time...

We are all having to do MORE with LESS and are having to unlearn a lot of the "conventional" wisdom of marketing financial services.

One thing I have used and have presented to you all on several occasions is Send Out Cards. Having sent over 500 cards myself, I can attest to the ease of use and effectiveness of this system. Used PROPERLY, Send Out Cards can become a powerful and cost-effective part of your marketing plan.

Many of you have emailed me with your individual concerns, including the fear of not having the time and technical expertise to administer the program, concerns about spending too much on the cards, and concerns about compliance issues.

On December 11, 2009, I will address these and other issues on the last Send Out Cards web demonstration of the year. This is a live demo of the system A-Z. We will learn to import your contacts, create individual cards, and then we'll create a Holiday Season Campaign.

You'll be able to see exactly what is involved in using this stay in touch system and determine whether or not you can incorporate it successfully into your marketing plan.

You'll also get the chance to sign up now and get assistance in designing a campaign for the ENTIRE year.

If you have ANY curiousity at all about using automated systems in your practice, I encourage you to register now. All registrants will receive a recording, so register even if you can't attend. ATTENDEES will get lots of free bonuses, including "done-for-you" cards, referral systems, and other helpful information.

Register now at:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mavericks "The Door Is Closing

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Thanks to all who showed up for the all-revealing co-ed naked webinar with BEACH BROKER and BIG C.

Unlike many programs which offer all fluff and little substance, these refreshingly candid fellows have put together a real education for financial professionals.

They are trying to make money (imagine that!) but they are also sincere in wanting to spread the love around . In fact, I've never met two marketers who are more sincere about their goal of helping agents and advisors achive financial success through better marketing.

Maybe that's because THEY ARE agents themselves.

Only a few memberships remain for Mass Commission Alliance

This is no joke. Big C and Beach don't want to overextend themselves and wind up not being able to be able to give the kind of attention they feel their members deserve.

So, while they never say NEVER (remember the Eagles' Hell Freezes Over?) Beach and Big C do want you to know: This will definitely be the last chance this year and perhaps the last chance ever to join the ranks of those "who get it."

To download the webinar recordings- fill out the form at the righthand top of the blog.

To see the videos:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thursday's Co-Ed Naked Webinar

That which is hidden shall be revealed!

Join us for the Co-Ed Naked Truth as Beach Broker and Big C finally reveal their true
identities and mysterious purposes. This is your chance to rake them over the
coals and make them PROVE that they are worthy of your attention.

Thursday, November 20th at 10 AM Pacific, Noon Central and 1PM Eastern.

Join Grouchy, Beach and the C in the lovely, virtual "Grumpus" Room. Attendees will
get some great parting gifts and goodwill be be applied lavishly. You'll also get to hear
NON COMPENSATED endorsers give shout-outs to Beach and C.

Beats watching the news...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Become a Maverick and Rock 2009!

Unleash your inner maverick and prosper!

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

OK, I remain a bit skeptical, but...

I sure am having fun with "Beach Broker" and "Big C"- those wacky young Insurance Mavericks and their CONSPIRACY THEORIES. (get YOUR copy by filling out the form on the righthand side!)

Beach and Big understand the time-worn but true definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing day after day and expecting a different result."

You might not like it, but if the current economic chaos has demonstrated anything it is that the old ways of attracting and keeping clients just aren't working anymore. You are finding yourself being pulled back to a time when growing your business was less about numbers and more about forming relationships.

I remember when I was a kid...

I knew the name of our insurance guy. He visited our house. We played at his office and I went to school with his kids. This professional was a vital member of the community and was treated with respect. No one thought of him with the same consideration they gave to used car salesmen.
He was VALUED and we believed he VALUED US.

Fast forward a few years and what have you got?

Business schools churning out "financial professionals" as fast as McDonald's slaps together a hamburger.

People being told to "go into insurance- you'll make a ton of money!"

Suddenly, you find yourself just ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE GUYS.

For a while, it didn't matter that much. The pie was HUGE and there was more than enough to go around. But now, the rules have changed and only those who are savvy enough and flexible in their thinking will survive.

The era of the Relationship Nurturer has arrived.

Beach Broker, Big C, and our friend Sid Walker have been anticipating this dramatic shift for quite some time and they want to help YOU leverage your natural people skills into more prospects, happier clients and tons of referrals.

Join us for two special web events to show you how to do just that!

Thursday, November 20th: -BIG C and BEACH BROKER reveal the low down and dirty about their highly successful MASS COMMISSION program.

They've promised that no question will go unanswered and that REAL LIVE people who have used the system and MADE MONEY will be on hand to share their stories.

How You Can Join the Elite Mass Commission Alliance and Double Your Supply of Qualified Leads (even in this economy!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Also- Back by Popular Demand: Ray Vendetti and Sid Walker's Event Marketing Class. Thursday, November 20th at NOON Pacific, 2PM Central, and 3PM Eastern.

This telecast will show you everything about one of the most overlooked ways to get new clients- EVENT MARKETING. (hint: it's more than handing out pencils at the county fair!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Insurance Conspiracy Theories

It’s getting harder and harder for you to make money as an insurance agent or independent advisor.

And there’s a very clear reason why...

They’ want you to keep doing business the same old way, the way "you've always done it," the way that no longer works in today's economy. THEY WANT YOU TO FAIL!

Who are THEY?

"They" are the INSURANCE VILLAINS...

Competition in the insurance industry has risen tenfold over the past few years.
The Insurance Villains are DESPERATE to grab their slice of the dwindling pie (and more) and will do anything to take all the profits for themselves and make your life miserable.

Direct Writer Donny: Donny spends massive amounts of money spend to flood the airwaves with “Cheap Price” messages and steal your customers.

Corporate Carl: A real nasty! Carl works for the insurance companies- the ones who continue to ‘download’ services onto agents without compensation and increase requirements for scorecards and bonuses. He wants you to do more work for LESS COMMISSION!

Compliance Cathy (and her sidekick "Regulatory Rita"): Rita and Cathy spend their days pouring over bulletins and court decisions, digesting every jot and tittle of every arcane rule so they will have a million different ways to say "NO!" to your marketing campaign.

Rita and Cathy have a goal of neutering all of your effective marketing to the point that it is a total waste of money. As a result, you get stuck making cold calls or canvassing to get new clients. Rita and Cathy could care less...

With all these villains around...
It’s no wonder 30% of all agents will be OUT OF BUSINESS in the next five to ten years.

Let's get real here...

Insurance companies say they are LOYAL to their agents- they certainly expect YOU to be loyal.

But the cold hard fact of the matter is that they don’t want agents to get 10-20% of the commissions.

So they demonstrate their loyalty to you by starting a new division that writes policies directly with no agent involvement.

We’re not fooled. BUT luckily we know there is something that YOU CAN DO about it.

The Insurance Mavericks are going to be revealing how you can survive and THRIVE as an insurance agent well into the next decade by using some proven strategies and we are bringing those strategies to you in a special live WEBCAST on Thursday, November 13.

Here’s what you’ll learn at Thursday's Webinar:

How to become a “BIG HITTER” agent making huge commission checks, loved by carriers because your production is through the roof…and doing it all without a single cold call!

How to make your clients fiercely loyal- they'll consider you a friend and trusted advisor, and feel guilty just talking to another agent. (And do it all at an arms length with systems that do the work for you!)

How to position yourself- not as another used car salesman-insurance agent begging for business, but as a Celebrity Expert who attracts an endless stream of qualified leads.

If you want the FORMULA to making the business fun again, and making big money as an agent don’t miss this webinar.

Nothing will be sold and we're confident you will walk away with at least one idea you can use right now to MAKE MORE MONEY.

To register, click here or copy and paste the link into your browser:

After you register for the webinar; go download a copy of the “Conspiracy Report” from the insurance mavericks.

In this one of a kind industry expose’ the INSURANCE MAVERICKS show you all the “Insurance Villains” out to destroy your income, and teach you how to make millions in commissions without making a single cold call. Go check it out

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't Forget Thursday's Webinar:Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Maverick?

Find out on Thursday, November 13 At Our Special Pre-Turkey Day Webinar.

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Do you have what it takes to be a REAL MAVERICK? Come to our next webinar and find out!

The Insurance Mavericks have an outrageous proposition- one you have heard from me time and time again:

"Leave the old TRANSACTION mentality far behind and start tapping into the power of your current database."

"Get new clients by being nicer to the old ones and by becoming a relationship-oriented agent or advisor."

The webinar will cover:

1. How to position yourself as the trusted Celebrity Expert

2. Go BiG with your Celebrity Expertise, and get free publicity and leads by doing it.

3. Using Direct Response Marketing to get people to call you…never make another cold call

4. How they wrote 1 million dollars in premium in 12 months using these
secrets, without a SINGLE cold call.

( OK, I'm skeptical too, but they say they are bringing PROOF! But bring your grains of
salt and check it out anyway)

5. The ultimate MASS COMMISSION producing tool, get higher retention,
more leads, referrals,and upsells with one powerful tool.

Right now, that is a much faster, more cost effective approach than mining for new clients. (although you'll find that the nurturing approach works to ATTRACT more clients to you as well)

People are scared - they don't want to talk to you unless you have good news or good advice they can use. If you feel like you have something to say that is valuable and worthwhile...

NOW IS THE TIME TO SAY IT AND SAY IT LOUDLY and the Insurance Mavericks Give You Field-Tested Ideas for Doing Just That.

This is a no-cost webinar, but everyone who attends will get armfuls of bonuses including:

Instructional PR telecast with renowned PR expert RALEIGH PINSKEY

1001 Ways to WOW The Media EBook

Recordings of Two Previous "Relationship" Themed Webinars- in case you missed them before
And some special gear from the Mavericks

So, whether you like the Mavericks approach or not (I personally think many of you WILL) you will walk away with some no-cost tools that will help you.

It's an hour of your time to find out what other people in your same situation are doing to not only stay afloat, but to GROW AND PROSPER.

I look forward to seeing you there!

(This WILL be recorded- register to get the recording.)

Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone Blog

10AM Pacific, Noon Central, 1PM Eastern
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Help A Soldier- Help Yourself

from Tammy

How YOU Can Help A Soldier and Help Yourself

In partnership with Any Soldier- I am making a special offer:

I am setting up a limited number of $125 SEND OUT CARDS ACCOUNTS .

These accounts will allow you to send heartfelt greetings to our military, even a small gift or two. You will have enough points to send out around 30 cards, so you can also use the account to send some holiday cards to your friends, too. You will get a chance to use the Ultimate Referral system to spread a little joy around the world.

I am not doing this as a sales effort. I just happen to think that is one of the most worthy efforts around. They need our help, especially in these difficult financial times when donations are down and expenses are up.

All after-expenses money raised from the accounts will be donated to Anysoldier to allow them to continue their outstanding efforts on behalf of our military.

How It Works

Simply go to Click on the "free account" banner at the top of the page.

Once you have set up your account, send $125 to Tammy de Leeuw via PAYPAL. Use as the email. I will then go in to your account and upgrade your points plus an expense account to use for postage and small gifts.

Use the account any way you like, but it would be neat if you sent at least one soldier, marine, or sailor a card. Get their addresses by going to

There is a strict limit of 100 accounts and the cutoff date is December 5, 2008.

Already have a Send Out Cards Account or Want to Do More?

If you you are already a member of Send Out Cards, why not send a card or two or a small gift out?
Go to to get the names and addresses. Make a SOLDIER CAMPAIGN and start sending your messages of deep appreciation.

Other ways you can help:

Participate in the ANY SOLDIER raffle to win a beautiful home in Prince Frederick, MD.

No time to put together a gift package? Treat Any Soldier will send one out for you.

Donate cash or used vehicles to the effort. Go online to find out more.

Thanks to all of you for realizing the importance of not forgetting those who serve us in faraway lands in difficult circumstances.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goofy Yes, But I Like 'Em

It's rare but it does happen occasionally...

A couple of insurance dudes "get it." Then they go out and develop their own lead generation systems that WORK.

Now, you will watch this video and probably think. "OK, these guys are goofy and they definitely didn't study at Julliard. But, are they legit? Have they really found ways for ordinary guys and gals in the insurance industry to leverage the power of marketing and generate streams of qualified leads?

It appears they indeed HAVE. I have been looking into their Mass Commission system for a while now and it seems like a very viable solution for those of you who insurance agents or IAR/RIA's.

No agents were harmed in the making of this video but don't expect it to "go viral" anytime soon, either.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Higher Commissions, More Often

Who are these guys and why are they following me?

Once again, some marketing gurus are telling me you CAN retain and attract clients without cold calling. Once again, I am skeptical. However....

It is refreshing when someone who works in our industry is providing marketing insights gained in ACTUAL PRACTICE.

Plus, these two young men are the hippest, web-savviest insurance dudes I have run across in a long, long time. Check out the article and the Goldmail on the right side.

Do You Hate The 1 Day Client Syndrome?

by Beach Broker

You've been there...

You spend time, energy and effort to write a policy.

Then tomorrow you move on to write the next new policy...

The next KILL.

That's great, you should always be writing new business. But there's a major problem with this...

In Africa people walk miles and miles to a well to fill baskets with water. They trudge through the sand and heat on a daily basis.

Imagine going to all this effort, only to find out that their baskets have holes in them... and all the water leaked out on the trek back.

It's more than frustrating- it is soul-killing.

Having this happen once is enough to discourage anyone, but imagine having the same thing happen OVER AND OVER again.

Every day you fill up the basket, and walk all the way home, knowing that when you get there, your water is going to be gone!

I'm guilty!

That's the way I used to operate as an insurance agent. This is where the one day client syndrome comes from.

You love your clients on the day you write them, but after that day, you never do anything to make sure they NEVER LEAVE YOU. You ignore them, leaving them vulnerable to the first agent who comes along and lavishes some attention on them.

Forget cross-selling...forget referrals. They're gone, gone, gone, leaked out through the hole you created when you ignored the relationship and focused only on the sale.

The good news is that you can plug the holes in your agency (or basket) using a simple system-a system you will DO EVERY SINGLE month that nurtures ALL your clients and positions you as the trusted expert who is prepared to HELP them overcome their fears and achieve their goals.

This system doesn't need to be flashy or expensive. It just needs to WORK.

My system is a Mass Retention and Mass Commission system. It involves forging a strong, emotional relationship with your clients to the extent that that not only are you no longer invisible to them-they can't take their eyes off you!

The stronger the client relationship, the more referrals, leads, and money you will make. Your commissions will be higher ... and your lifestyle will be better.

How do I know this? Because I figured out the formula in my own book of business .. and then used that exact same formula outside the insurance industry just to see if it would work in another niche.

And you know what? It did. I am not surprised since it is a tested and proven formula. Now, I know others may have spoken to you in the past about creating relationships, but what makes Mass Retention and Mass Commission unique is that it is built upon systems, systems that are easy to implement and which run on autopilot. These are not "theories" developed by some guy with a Harvard MBA. They are real world solutions used by ACTUAL AGENTS and ADVISORS.

I know, I know...

You've heard this kind of talk before. "Just buy my system and you'll start pulling in limitless amounts of qualified leads with little effort."

There are tons of gurus out there promising that, but...

The systems I use are way beyond ORDINARY. They are designed using practical sales and marketing, combined with powerful psychology and persuasion designed to make your clients buy from only you and refer their friends and family just to you.

I personally HAVEN'T MADE A COLD CALL IN YEARS, yet have seen my own commissions increase year after year.

Here are 2 of the 6 principles of the Mass Commission and Retention Blueprint that will help you accomplish your goal of NO MORE COLD CALLS.

1. Create a New Ladder

What does this mean?

It means you MUST BE different than all the other agents out there. If you are a captive agent, you most likely have someone just like you just down the street.

If you're an independent, your prospects and clients still perceive you to be like every other agent, unless you create a new ladder on which you AND YOU ALONE exist. You must change both reality and PERCEPTION in order to thrive in today's tough marketplace.

Every day, your prospects and clients are bombarded with hundreds of advertising messages delivered in every conceivable manner. People have become much more adept at tuning out all but the most INTERESTING, UNIQUE messages.

In this noisy, cluttered marketplace it is difficult, even impossible to stand out.

Overwhelmed by the mental clutter, people tend to take shortcuts when they make buying and relationship decisions. If you aren't positioned on the RIGHT ladder with the RIGHT MESSAGE you are doomed to being invisible.

Invisibility is a bad state of being for any business, but it is particularly damaging if you are an agent or other financial consultant. You need to tear away the cloak of invisibility once and for all by positioning yourself as more than a cut above the rest.

How does one accomplish this?

The easiest way is to think about the largest problems your clients deal with in buying insurance or other financial products .

What are their WANTS, THEIR DESIRES, THEIR FEARS? How can you position yourself on the highest rung of a new ladder to help them overcome those problems or fears?

Here's a real world example:

One fear parents have dealing with teenagers is how to add them to their insurance policy. (If you are a parent and have teenagers. you know what I am talking about)

Well, we know, (and have personally helped) many agents position themselves on a new ladder.

I'm not talking about trying to be the #1 insurance agent in their state ... or just another boring agent who looks like every one else, selling the same products and services ... but different and on a new ladder ....

"The Teen Driver Advocate and Specialist Ladder" (This is just one an example of a new ladder you could create)

When parents in your area are looking to overcome their problems and fears about adding their teenage drivers to their insurance policy, you will now come up number one on that ladder. Parents will seek you out since you are the authority on the subject and give you their business.
They will want to do business with you because they perceive you as a SPECIALIST who understands teen drivers better than those other agents.

2. Put personality into your marketing.

I can't emphasize this enough. But using personality to attract involves more than just putting pictures in a newsletter . It means using personality with a purpose. One of the Laws of Persuasion is the Law of Like-ability. Part of being likable is sharing common interests with people. Search for interests that you share with your prospects and clients and highlight these in all your marketing efforts.

You already know that people buy from people they like. You do it yourself.

So why aren't you communicating your own likability to your clients? You should. It's not that hard to do.

You just need to understand who your clients are and start to share common interests you have with them.

I realize that many of you feel this approach just won't work for you. Some of you are also dead-set on doing business as usual because change seems so scary.

I can understand this. But look around- people are flat-out fearful and mistrustful . They're feeling a little ripped off lately and they need and want buying experiences based upon relationships with people they know and like. (and trust).

As someone who is in the business of providing and selling insurance and financial solutions, you should consider yourself in the relationship business.

I was able to increase my own retention dramatically by focusing on putting strategic personality into my marketing. Current members of our Mass Commission program are seeing this work very effectively for them while their competition struggles in the current economy. They "GET IT" and it is making the difference between having to scratch and claw for new clients and having plenty of qualified leads and referrals.

Building and forging strong emotional relationships is the most important thing you should be doing right now and leveraging your own personality strengths is the best way to accomplish this.

I encourage you to take these two success principles and apply them into your business. I did this with my own book of business and I continue to do so with the other businesses I have.

To higher commissions, more often...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Livin The Vida Loca in The Bay Area

by Tammy de Leeuw

Financial Advisor Netzone

I am a big fan of scary stuff: scary movies, scary soundtracks, scary politicians. What better place to get scared than the wild and wacky left-leaning SF Bay Area, where political correctness, liberal whining, and elitist attitudes collide to give you a truly memorable Halloween?

This year our chosen destination for ghoulish mayhem was none other than The Peoples' Republic of Berkeley, a place where bundles of taxpayer dollars were used to change the parking meters to read "Indigenous Peoples' Day," instead of Columbus Day.

This is also the place where hordes of ex-hippies, pockets full of the despicable fruit of nasty old capitalism gained through real estate investments and other successful business activities, escaped to a life in the trendy, upscale hills.

Ah yes...

Now these guilt-ridden wannabe socialists can look down at the poor, ignorant masses, clamor for change, and hang Obama signs and rainbow flags in their triple-paned windows while sipping green tea chai and munching sustainable rain forest crunch.

I should not have been amazed that even Halloween in Berkeley is full of subtle and not-so-subtle reminders that nearly everyone in California thinks that the greed of "those other people" is to blame for the wrecked economy.

Couldn't possibly be anything else other than corporate greed and mean old banks could it? Couldn't be those Wendy's employees dumb enough to think they could afford a 3,500 square foot house with a pool on minimum wage?

The victim mentality is alive and well and it's name is San Francisco "Bail Out Everyone, Even Idiots." What we need is more regulation. Yeah, uh-huh, that's the ticket.

Idealism replaces common sense faster than you can say "Barack Hussein Obama."

Tammy "Don't Blame Me I Wanted Ron Paul" de Leeuw