Unleash your inner maverick and prosper!
by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone
OK, I remain a bit skeptical, but...
I sure am having fun with "Beach Broker" and "Big C"- those wacky young Insurance Mavericks and their CONSPIRACY THEORIES. (get YOUR copy by filling out the form on the righthand side!)
Beach and Big understand the time-worn but true definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing day after day and expecting a different result."
You might not like it, but if the current economic chaos has demonstrated anything it is that the old ways of attracting and keeping clients just aren't working anymore. You are finding yourself being pulled back to a time when growing your business was less about numbers and more about forming relationships.
I remember when I was a kid...
I knew the name of our insurance guy. He visited our house. We played at his office and I went to school with his kids. This professional was a vital member of the community and was treated with respect. No one thought of him with the same consideration they gave to used car salesmen.
He was VALUED and we believed he VALUED US.
Fast forward a few years and what have you got?
Business schools churning out "financial professionals" as fast as McDonald's slaps together a hamburger.
People being told to "go into insurance- you'll make a ton of money!"
Suddenly, you find yourself just ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE GUYS.
For a while, it didn't matter that much. The pie was HUGE and there was more than enough to go around. But now, the rules have changed and only those who are savvy enough and flexible in their thinking will survive.
The era of the Relationship Nurturer has arrived.
Beach Broker, Big C, and our friend Sid Walker have been anticipating this dramatic shift for quite some time and they want to help YOU leverage your natural people skills into more prospects, happier clients and tons of referrals.
Join us for two special web events to show you how to do just that!
Thursday, November 20th: -BIG C and BEACH BROKER reveal the low down and dirty about their highly successful MASS COMMISSION program.
They've promised that no question will go unanswered and that REAL LIVE people who have used the system and MADE MONEY will be on hand to share their stories.
Also- Back by Popular Demand: Ray Vendetti and Sid Walker's Event Marketing Class. Thursday, November 20th at NOON Pacific, 2PM Central, and 3PM Eastern.
This telecast will show you everything about one of the most overlooked ways to get new clients- EVENT MARKETING. (hint: it's more than handing out pencils at the county fair!)
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