Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The 7 Key Differences Between Business to Business and Consumer Marketing
When asked if he could write an effective direct mail package on a complex electronic control system, a well-known direct response copywriter replied, “No problem. It doesn’t matter what the product is. You are selling to people. And people are pretty much the same.”
He’s wrong.
Yes, there are similarities. But there are also differences in selling to business and professional buyers vs. the general public. In fact, here are six key factors that set business-to-business marketing apart from consumer marketing:
1. The business buyer wants to buy. Most consumer advertising offers people products they might enjoy but don’t really need. How many subscription promotions, for example, sell publications that the reader truly could not live without? If we subscribe, we do so for pleasure – not because the information offered is essential to our day-to-day activity.
But in business-to-business marketing, the situation is different. The business buyer wants to buy. Indeed, all business enterprises must routinely buy products and services that help them stay profitable, competitive, and successful. The proof of this is the existence of the purchasing agent, whose sole function is to purchase things.
2. The business buyer is sophisticated. Business-to-business copy talks to a sophisticated audience. Your typical reader has a high interest in – and understanding of – your product (or at least of the problem it solves).
Importantly, the reader usually knows more about the product and its use than you do. It would be folly, for example, to believe that a few days spent reading about mainframe computers will educate you to the level of your target prospect – a systems analyst with six or seven years experience. (This realization makes business-to-business writers somewhat more humble than their consumer counterparts.)
The sophistication of the reader requires the business-to-business copywriter to do a tremendous amount of research and digging into the market, the product, and its application. The business audience does not respond well to slogans or oversimplification.
(see the rest of the story at:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
New Webinar Announced for the Compliance Challenged...
Financial Advisor Netzone
He is just entering his 30's and already Robert Sofia is considered one of the brightest stars in the financial services industry.
Author of the popular business book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Success in Your 20's and 30's, Robert has already developed a stellar reputation as a marketing expert.
Best of all, Robert understands the ins and outs of the compliance process like few others I have met before.
That's why I asked him to come on July 29th and show off his brand new marketing strategies for captive agents, registered reps, and financial advisors.
If you have ever felt thwarted by your compliance department..
you need to attend this special presentation.
Thursday, July 29th at 11AM Pacific, 1PM Central, 2PM Eastern
PS: Every ATTENDEE will receive a copy of Robert's latest white paper on how to improve client interaction.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Facebook Ads: Pushing Google "Off the Map?"
Financial Advisor Netzone
OK, I admit it...
I love new and shiny things...emerging ideas and technologies and well...
Cool stuff...
But, even with my penchant for climbing on before the band wagon is even built, I had a hard time seeing how social media could ever be truly useful as a marketing tool.
It was hard for me to see beyond the silly videos, inane commentary, and gossip and realize that there were ways to monetize this phenomenon.
One of the ways I have recently discovered is what I feel will eventually be the downfall of Google's pay per click empire: Facebook ads.
If you have a Facebook account, I am sure you have noticed these tiny little ads running down the sides of the page. They don't look like much, I know, but they are already generating thousands of leads and millions of dollars for those who have put some effort into "cracking the code."
Dozens of so-called "Facebook ad gurus" have popped up now, with all the attendant hype and cheesy promises. So far, only two of them have struck me as having anything worth promoting:
Dean de Lisle and PERRY MARSHALL.
Many of you have attended Dean's classes and you know he is a master of the technical side of social media, showing you HOW to actually put together great profiles and pages.
Perry is a well-known pay per click marketer, lead generation specialist, and someone who is actively involved in cracking the Facebook ads code.
PerryMarshall knows that writing a good ad isn't enough to generate leads with Facebook- you MUST have something to GIVE your audience and someplace to TAKE them. It's a lot different from the typical benefits-driven advertising that most of us do.
If you have any interest in using the internet to generate leads, then you should do two things:
1. Take the free Facebook quiz. Your score will let you know whether or not using Facebook ads
will work for you.
2. Sign up for Perry's free 5 session "white paper" course. You'll discover that writing white
papers still works as a lead generation tool... if you do it the right way.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
How to Create Something Worth Criticizing...
If you’re not polarizing, you’re not monetizing.
If you're making people react, you're not making a difference.
If everybody loves what you’re doing, you’re doing something wrong.
THAT’S YOUR CHALLENGE: Create something worth being criticized.
Otherwise you’re boring.
Just another slice of average cut from the mediocre multitude.
Otherwise you’re ignored.
Just another non-entity in the infinite grey mass of blah blah blah.
Otherwise you’re forgotten.
Just another flash-in-the-pan, all-shtick-no-substance, one-trick-pony.
AND THE TRUTH IS: Criticism isn’t something you draw – it’s something you earn.
If you want to create something worth being criticized, consider these ideas:
1. Change your reactions to criticism. In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield suggests that we recognize criticism (especially the envy-driven variety) for what it really is: Supreme compliment.
“The critic hates most what he wishes he would have done himself he had the guts.”
Lesson learned: Next time someone attacks you, smile. Even if you do so internally. Know that you’ve done your job and that it’s probably got nothing to do with you. In fact, consider keeping Criticism Log. Document daily victories of being hated – even in minor moments – as reminders that you haven’t lost your edge. What’s your definition of (and relationship with) criticism?
2. Assess the risk. There is an inverse relationship between your willingness to risk and the likelihood of criticism. For example, one of the questions I ask myself every morning as I sit down to work is, “What do I risk is presenting this material?”
If the answer is “not much” or “nothing,” I either rework it – or don’t publish it at all. It’s simply not daring enough. Too much ink, not enough blood. And whether you’re a writer or not, the challenge is the same: Create a filter for your own work that reinforces the importance of risk. You might ask, “Who will this idea piss off?” or “How much hatemail will this garner?”
Otherwise you’re just wasting your time. Otherwise you’re just winking in the dark. How do you assess the risk of what you release to the world?
3. Disturb people. The word “disturb” comes from the Latin emotere – the same derivative as the word “emotion.” That’s all you’re doing when you’re being a disturbance: Evoking emotion. Interrupting the quiet. Unsettling the peace. Upsetting the mental landscape. Could be positive or negative or neutral. Doesn’t matter.
The point is: You can’t go down in history if you’re not willing to shake things up in the present. Therefore: Learn to be constructively challenging – but without being ignorantly defiant. Learn to be delightfully disturbing – but without being painfully annoying.
After all, grinding the gears just because you love the sound doesn’t help anyone. And doing something just for the sake of being criticized isn’t worth being criticized for. Are your monkey wrenches well intentioned?
4. Wage an ongoing war against mediocrity. People who maintain a constant posture of challenging the process don’t just get noticed – they get nailed to crosses. Which, if you have thick enough skin – and perhaps some snacks to hold you over until the cavalry comes (no pun intended) – isn’t as bad as it sounds.
(rest of the story at:
Don't miss Scott Ginsberg's webinar on June 24th:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Rick Liuag Explains the Instant Sales System..
PS: Be sure to catch Rick Liuag LIVE on June 10th... Go here for more information:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Revolution is Here:
Posted By Chad Bockius
Last month, Morgan Stanley’s Mary Meeker and associates gave their annual insights on Internet trends. In short, social networks continue to grow leaps and bound, and we haven’t seen anything yet.
Online users want to get information on their own terms. In the past, that meant email – consumers set their email preferences and institutions respected those preferences. Today’s social network users, however, create their own experiences via their networks, many preferring to communicate over Facebook or Twitter rather than email.
The stats are mind-boggling. Social network users surpassed the number of email users in July 2009 – 820 million social network users compared to 800 million email users. This massive growth, combined with changes in how people connect and interact will move the communication hub from your inbox to your “wall”.
(see the rest of the story here:
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What Would Happen If You Increased YOUR Referability?
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Social Networking Sites – Why Participate?
by David Foster-Hubze
With the extensive growth of the Internet comes the corresponding explosion of social networking sites. Netizens or those people who involve themselves actively in online social groups, would be most familiar with websites such as facebook, Friendster, and Twitter.
These are sites where people usually share viewpoints, information, opinions and other things that interest them. With these activities, they have transformed the internet from being a simple venue for static information to a dynamic social forum and resource.
But what is it that makes these websites so popular not only among the younger set but with practically all ages, social and geographical groups? Is it because people find like-minded individuals and universally-beneficial information?
Some say that it is because these social networking sites are venues where people “congregate” which means they are intrinsically social. However, this doesn’t fully describe their status since they are more than just sites where people go to for information about other people. They are sites where everyone can share almost all personal issues, their viewpoints, opinions, beliefs and get back the same and more from others. They connect people by any common ground that they find themselves grouped together on.
Social networking sites work because those who participate in them find people with the same passion about certain things in life. Any one purpose will suffice although with these sites, it is easy to formulate and identify one and get people to notice.
People give their attention to those ideas that they find doable within their sphere of influence. And if they find it online on a social networking site, then it can only be for the good of all. It is also not unusual for these online relationships to be transformed into offline connections which continue to prosper and benefit each one.
Get in line for your own HUBZE card. It's free and set to launch live SOON!
Monday, April 19, 2010
5 Ways to Break Out of the Pack and Attract More Qualified Leads
Financial Advisor Netzone
As you can imagine , I hear from advisors and agents every day...
and they are all wondering the same thing:
"How can I generate my own leads and wean myself off those frustrating, expensive "store bought" leads?"
It's the BIG QUESTION on everyone's mind, along with "How can I be super lazy and still make a fortune?" (when I find an answer to that one, I will be sure and let you know...)
Here are a few ways I have found that rich advisors and agents can go from being beggars to being hot commodities, and telling lead companies "SAYONARA."
1. Don't be afraid to try something NEW.
Change can be OH SO SCARY, I know. But if what worked in the past isn't cutting it anymore... why cling to it? That's just NUTS! The good news is that you don't have to play Lone Ranger. It's pretty easy, and I think, necessary to assemble a peer group and get their creative ideas, criticisms, and feedback.
Stop being afraid someone will steal your idea and get advice from someone who is more successful than you. Remember: the idea is just the vehicle: YOU are the real client attractor, so don't worry about your competition. Do things that show off YOU and YOUR strengths and you will make everyone forget those other guys and gals.
2.WOW is the new YAWN
You used to be told to "WOW" your prospects and clients. Bad news: WOW is no longer enough. You have to go way beyond wow and touch, touch, and touch again, and never allow a good lead to fall through the cracks. Email is still useful, and now there is ENHANCED email with bells, whistles and sounc. Try your hand at video email or "voiceover visuals" and you will see your response and retention rates skyrocket.
3. Automate, Delegate, or Die
Top advisors always do what's "closest to cash" and leave the little stuff to their assistants. If you spend half your day chasing down policies, entering in data, or doing other routine tasks instead of loving your clients, you are hurting your bottom line. Hire an assistant, even if you have to hire a virtual one, or find ways to AUTOMATE routine tasks.
4. For Goodness Sake- STAY CONNECTED
You know you need to reach out and touch your database OFTEN in order to get and keep clients and get referrals. But do you DO IT?
Rich advisors DO... and they reap the benefits.
Top advisors tell me they do a minimum of 15 touches per year for their top clients (some do 2-3 touches per MONTH!) Again, automation plays a key role in doing this successfully and without stress. A system such as Send Out Cards can help as do things like auto responders, surveys, "lumpy" mail, gifts and premiums, and other value items.
5. Stop Slacking and Build Your Referral Business.
Take some time and PLAN OUT the steps you need to take to get more referrals. Getting referrals should be a process, not an afterthought.
You need to perfect the ways in which you get referrals: build templates that make it easy and fast to gather referrals. You can produce materials, such as booklets, reports, and videos that have information your clients can USE and for which they will THANK YOU. (refer you to a friend.) You can have quarterly or yearly EVENTS and have your clients bring a friend or co-worker. Whatever you do- be CONSISTENT if you want to see real results
6. Hang Around with Winners
Misery loves company, I know. However, "networking" with a bunch of your peers who are as broke (or broker) than you is not conducive to learning the art of success. I am guessing that when Donald Trump wanted a breakthrough in his business, he chose to be mentored and inspired by SUCCESSFUL people, and avoided all the wannabes. Choose the company you keep carefully and their good stuff is sure to rub off on you.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Facebook: Useful At Last?
by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone
Facebook used to be one of my favorite time-sinks.
I avoided household chores by looking for old high school friends, watching silly videos (even posting a few myself) and generally just wasting tons of time.
Then I realized...
This thing COULD eventually become a source of leads for my business.
Facebook truly is the 800 pound gorilla of social media- with over 400 million members and nearly half of those using it on a regular basis.
It is just too big to ignore as a serious source of qualified business leads.
But Facebook is FRUSTRATING. Partly due to the inherent resistance of social media community people to anything even remotely posing as advertising. (They don't want ads and they don't want to pay to use how are these sites supposed to be profitable?)
Also frustrating was the fact that Facebook didn't let you have capture forms or customized pages on it- even on the "fan pages." (So, how were you supposed to gather data in order to contact leads?)
However... An advisor in Southern California turned me on to something called Hubze which promised to turn Facebook upside down and make FAN pages pay off in a big way.
At first, I hesitated to join the beta test. (another gimmick?)
Then, I started to see the potential of this brand new technology to make social media easier and more profitable.
As of this post, HUBZE hasn't even been released to the general public... But I think it is going to be big.
I invite you to try it out before all the other people weigh down the bandwagon.
Here is the link to my personal invitation:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dean de Lisle Gets His Game Face (book) On
Financial Advisor Netzone
Nearly 20 million people a year join Facebook "fan pages."
So, it's a pretty safe bet that your competition has one...
and if you don't- you are missing out on a great, free opportunity to use Facebook the right way to attract prospects.
In this two day, low-cost web class series beginning on April 22, leading social media authority Dean de Lisle will show you in real time how to build and optimize a fan page, one of the few avenues of legitimate advertising available on Facebook.
Businesses who learn to use Fan pages are seeing dramatic results in the number of online relationships they are able to create.
Going beyond the social media hype, Dean will teach you:
*All the fundamentals of setting up a business site
*What you NEED before you post any content
*How to post contents for RESULTS
*How to get your business site "FOUND"
*How to create a Social Media Plan
*How to convert online leads to offline sales...
and a lot more!
So, if you have ever thought that Facebook can't possibly be of any use beyond posting goofy videos or streams of consciousness... then this class will show you otherwise.
Included with the two-day registration are full recordings, all materials, and a bonus "Fan Pack" filled with over $100 in marketing tools.
Go here to register:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Webinar Recording Links: Dean de Lisle on FACEBOOK
Find out more about the April class here:
Here are the links for the Facebook webinar with Dean de Lisle, along with a
bonus "Social Media Basics" webinar. Also, the powerpoints are available to
Please download within the next couple of days to ensure the links remain good. COPY AND PASTE THE ENTIRE LINK into your browser if the hot link does not work for you.
Here is the link for Webinar RECORDING How to Promote your Business The Right
Way using Facebook _ 2010 Edition.wmv:
Here is the link for BONUS WEBINAR RECORDING Social Media Basics.wmv:
Here is the link for Forward Progress - How to Build the Optimal Fan Page SLIDES
Here is the link for Social Media strategybrett.ppt: SLIDES
Here is the link for slidesforwebinars.ppt: (SLIDES WITH FUTURE WEBINAR SCHED.)
The archived Facebook webinar can be seen "on demand" without download at:
Friday, March 12, 2010
Dean Delisle Explains Social Chaos
Just go HERE:
And.. don't forget the Special Facebook Webinar with Dean (it's free!) on March 30th:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Playing the 80/20 Odds
by Duncan MacPherson
Pareto Platform
You are perhaps familiar with the 80/20 Rule. That's the rule that asserts that 80% of your income is derived from roughly 20% of your clientele. But did you know that there are other versions of the 80/20 rule as well? I'm going to tell you about two more ways you can make the 80/20 rule work for you. If you spent most of your time mastering the nuances of just these three rules, you can end up with a predictable, sustainable and duplicable business.
80/20 Rule #1: Assets
I won't spend too much time on this well-trodden variant of the 80/20, but let me just say to those who dispute the fact that you should spend 80% of your time on the top 20% of your clients: You are doing this elite group (and yourself) a gross disservice. Any group that pays 80% of the 'freight' deserves 80% of the time and attention, end of story. By looking after your top clients, you look after 80% of your income, which ensures that your business stays strong.
80/20 Rule #2: Lifetime Value of a Client
I often remind my staff that bringing on a new client is no reason to celebrate (well, a little celebrating is fine, but try and stay focused). I remind them of this because of the second variation on the 80/20 Rule, which states that gaining a new client brings you only 20% of the lifetime value of that client. The other 80% of the client's lifetime value comes from the steady stream of quality referrals that the client can provide to you over the lifetime of your relationship.
Of course, you will only earn these referrals if you nurture the client properly. But this is where the 80/20 rule works for you, because for you, 80% of the effort is spent in convincing the new client to do business with you. It only takes 20% of the effort to maintain the relationship and to benefit from the stream of referrals.However, here's the catch.
You need to make the client feel like they are part of an 'exclusive club' because of your extremely high level of service, and the service must be CONSISTENT. Furthermore, the client must be repeatedly exposed to a dedicated Recommendation Process that explains how your referral process works, and this process must convey a benefit to the client.
Without the Recommendation Process, you won't achieve your goal, because even if you client's want to recommend you, they won't know how to. And if you provide great service some of the time, but not all of the time, your clients again won't recommend you, because they will want to wait until they are sure that their friends and family will receive great service all the time. Don't forget that clients will always ask themselves ""what have you done for me lately?"
80/20 Rule #3: Productivity
On average, most people accomplish 80% of their work in 20% of the time they actually spend at work. Think about it, and chances are, you'll agree. And you can use this fact to your advantage. If you take the time to schedule your time, to map out your year, your week, and even your day, you will account for each hour. And you will have the means and the incentive to make the best use of your work time - and of your non-work time. Have you ever noticed how productive you are a few days before you go on holiday? If you schedule time to do the things you want to do, then you will accomplish what you need to in less time.
Vince Lombardi once said that you have to be brilliant at the basics. If you were to spend 80% of your time and energy trying to 'work' just these three rules, what kind of business do you think you'd have?
Don't forget to join Duncan live on Wednesday, April 28th as he shows us some of these ideas in action!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Webinar MANIA!
Listen up folks... you have no reason to remain unedumacated...
I have put together 5 new webinars for March and April that are going to help you get your marketing on in a big way.
Even if you have scheduling conflicts, register anyway so you can get all the recordings. (however, you WILL want to be live if at all possible- because we have some awesome stuff to give away.)
Also, every time you register and ATTEND a webinar from now until August 31st, you get your name in the Grouchy fedora for the drawing for a Logitech Webcam.
Here is the schedule (SO FAR, that is...)
How to Promote Your Business the Right Way
Using Facebook: With Dean DeLisle
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Thursday, April 1st: NO JOKE
How to Create and Distribute Videos That Sell Your Products and Services
Thursday, April 22, 2010
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
How to Build Your Own Automated Online Business
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
The Art of Nurture Marketing: What You MUST Do In Order to Attract The Affluent
Thursday, April 22, 2010
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
How to Find And Profit From the Low Hanging Fruit in Your Business
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Friday, March 5, 2010
How to Automate Your Prospecting, Marketing and Follow Up Process With A System That Actually Works
Free Webinar Just added!
Most agents, advisors, and other financial services professionals believe that they will never be able to create wealth using the internet until...
They discover the power of automation and some simple, inexpensive (yet effective) web tools and systems.
Putting all this together, however, can be a daunting and frustrating task.
That's why I have asked former telecom executive Rick Liuag, who built a successful ONLINE health insurance agency from scratch as well as a half dozen OTHER businesses, to come and show us some of the tools he used to achieve success
If you have ever aspired to have an online agency or other online business; one that you can work ON but not IN, then this webinar is for you.
You'll learn:
- How to find free tools you can use to help build your online presence
- How and why you should "marinate" your prospects
- How to automate the drip process
- The power of "evergreen" online video... and much more
Rick Liuag is the author of the popular "How to Build Your Own Online Insurance Agency" .
The first 50 people who register and attend will receive an electronic copy of Rick's book ($69.99 retail) for free...
Register here:
Monday, March 1, 2010
New Webinar on March 30th...
by Tammy de Leeuw
A few weeks ago, DEAN DELISLE taught some of you how to take hold of LINKEDIN and use it to make some meaningful, beneficial business connections..
Now, he takes on social media's 800 POUND GORILLA- Facebook.
Longtime social site expert, author, and trainer to some of the Fortune 500's most dynamic companies, Dean DeLisle says:
"It’s no secret that Facebook is the fastest growing Social Network in existence, but you have to understand what TO DO and what NOT to do in order to leverage the power."
Why is Facebook "The Gorilla" you need to tame?
Over 400,000,000 registered active users.
• More than 3.5 million events created each month
• More than 3 million active Pages on Facebook
• More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages
on Facebook
• More than 20 million people become fans of Pages each day
• Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans"
Love it or hate it, you simply can't ignore it while your competitors work hard at figuring it all out.
Dean will show you, step by step, how you can go beyond the time-wasteland that Facebook can be and tap into new ways you can promote yourself and your business.
Even if you cannot attend live, register anyway to receive the download of the recording. And, for those who attend, free ebooks galore and a chance to win brownies or even a web camera... COOL BEANS...
I look forward to seeing you there!
How to Promote your Business The Right Way using Facebook – 2010 Edition
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Linked In Tip: How to Remove A "Connection"
FAN Blog
Now, I know you all are exceptionally careful in accepting every LinkedIn connection that comes your way...Right?
But on the off chance that you made a connection with someone that you later realized was a competitor,a former bully from your elementary school, a con artist, or just a person you'd rather not hang around with...
Here are the steps you need to take to lose that connection:
1. Go to CONTACTS on the left side menu panel
2. On the CONTACTS page, click on REMOVE CONNECTIONS (it's on the top at the
3. Select which connections are to be removed, and click REMOVE CONNECTIONS button
You will see a little FYI when you do so:
"Note: These connections will not be notified that they have been removed. They will be added to your list of contacts in case you want to reinvite them later."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Three Minutes With Grouchy
I am launching a super new "tips and tricks" list for those of you who are anxious to get your marketing game on...
These short, to the point "coffee breaks" will bring you ideas and observations designed to help you make the most of your marketing- even if you are on a shoestring.
There is a signup form over on the sidebar. Sign up today and start getting the kinds of information you can use to rock your business.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Next Webinar: Robert and Tammy Automate It, Baby
re: Don't miss the next webinar on Tuesday, February 25, 2010.
Can't wait to see what Cousin Roberto has in store for us in the next installment of our popular web series on how to use the Send Out Cards system to automate your business... and help you make loads more friends.
Many agents, advisors, and entrepreneurs believe that something as simple as an automated greeting card system can't possibly make much of an impact on their businesses UNTIL... They come and sit a spell with Tammy de Leeuw and Robert Breiner and learn "3 More Ways to Use the Automated Greeting Card System to Grow Your Business" In this free session, Robert and Tammy will show you: 1. How to build a local JV network using the cards (and NOT in the usual way, either!) 2. How to use your automated system to send out lumpy mail that almost always gets opened 3. How to leverage social media and make appointments using cards to "seal the deal." If you have been considering using the ULTIMATE REFERRAL SYSTEM in your business, then you will definitely want to come to this presentation.. Even if you already have the system, join us anyway and get some new ideas you can use right now to make it work better for you. |
Monday, February 15, 2010
Log In Information for Tomorrow's Webinar..
Log in Information for "The Art of Zero Effort Selling:How to Use NeuroPersuasion (tm) to Dramatically Increase Your Closing Ratios and Make More Money"
Attendee: 916-233-3087, access code 496-625-021
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tuesday, February 9th's Webinar Has Been Postponed...
Even if you already registered, you should re-register so you get all the correct notices and sign in links.
Please watch your email for this information. Below is the link for the new session:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Slides from Dean's Awesome LINKEDIN Presentation
Linked In Top 10 Tips For Generating New Business Tdl
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Creating Expectation in Others
PS: From now until January 27th, you can order Jim's complete ZERO EFFORT SELLING for nearly $200.00 off when you use coupon code:"WebSpecial" Just go to Find the products tab, order the ZES system, and enter and apply the coupon to get ZERO EFFORT SELLING for just $197.00.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Turning Friends and Connections into Business – the Social Revolution
Forward Progress, Inc.
It’s funny, most of us have been doing some of this since the beginning of time, however we get on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN or our Blogs, and we get stuck.
Why is that? I think we forget it’s OKAY to do business with our friends, and it’s OKAY to do business with our friends’ friends. However, there are techniques and guidelines which you do need to follow.
It will vary by type of business, but there are some simple conversion techniques that you can use that will work just fine.
1. Do not be ALL business ALL the time!
2. Provide items of VALUE when posting or connecting.
3. Find people who have similar interests – not like EVERYONE!
4. Make sure you connect to others’ posts and make them feel connected.
5. Always make sure you reply to folks who are SPEAKING to you!
Then, when you are connecting and it seems and feels right – set the hook – ask for the meeting or the call – take it OFFLINE! People are online all the time; if there is a connection and you can help them, talk about it, set the meeting and have a date! We have all been doing this for centuries – stop making it so hard!
Don't Forget to Join Dean for a Free Webinar on Tuesday, February 2nd. Learn the details at:
Don't Forget to Register!
Register or learn more at: