Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dean de Lisle Gets His Game Face (book) On

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

Nearly 20 million people a year join Facebook "fan pages."

So, it's a pretty safe bet that your competition has one...

and if you don't- you are missing out on a great, free opportunity to use Facebook the right way to attract prospects.

In this two day, low-cost web class series beginning on April 22, leading social media authority Dean de Lisle will show you in real time how to build and optimize a fan page, one of the few avenues of legitimate advertising available on Facebook.

Businesses who learn to use Fan pages are seeing dramatic results in the number of online relationships they are able to create.

Going beyond the social media hype, Dean will teach you:

*All the fundamentals of setting up a business site
*What you NEED before you post any content
*How to post contents for RESULTS
*How to get your business site "FOUND"
*How to create a Social Media Plan
*How to convert online leads to offline sales...

and a lot more!

So, if you have ever thought that Facebook can't possibly be of any use beyond posting goofy videos or streams of consciousness... then this class will show you otherwise.

Included with the two-day registration are full recordings, all materials, and a bonus "Fan Pack" filled with over $100 in marketing tools.

Go here to register:

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