Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get Your BlogUCation Now- Webinar Schedule...

Financial Advisor Netzone has always prided itself on providing informative, pitch-resistant webinars and teleconferences which offer you the chance to hook up with some of the country's most prominent mentors in the advertising, marketing, public relations, and sales training fields.

Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities to find out whether some of the ideas presented will HELP YOU!


MARCH 5TH, 2008


How to Become the Recognized Expert in Your Field.-Building Your Insurance & Financial Advisor Brand
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST 2PM Central 3PM Eastern



Six Ways To "Get Slightly Famous" With Steven Van Yoder
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 1PM Pacific, 3PM Central 4PM Eastern

Attention-Grabbing Financial Presentations- The Story Behind The Numbers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT 1PM Central 2PM Eastern


! With Doug Dixon of Seminar Direct.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Slott Crosses Into Consumer Arena- Good News for Advisors

From Laurin Levine at ED SLOTT AND COMPANY:

We're thrilled to tell you that ED SLOTT is hosting his first national public television fundraising special called STAY RICH FOREVER & EVER premiering this March on PBS stations across America . We'd love your support to make this program a big success to further Ed's message of "Smart Retirement."

In Atlanta:
On Saturday March 1st from 4:30pm to 6pm STAY RICH FOREVER & EVER with Ed Slott will premiere in Atlanta on PBA 30 with Ed LIVE in the studio. If you're in the Atlanta area, please tune in and make a pledge of support.

In New York:
On Tuesday March 4th from 9:30pm to 11pm STAY RICH FOREVER & EVER with Ed Slott will premiere in New York City on WLIW Channel 21 with Ed LIVE in the studio. If you're in the New York area, please tune in and make a pledge of support.

STAY RICH FOREVER & EVER with Ed Slott will be airing around the country at different times – please check your local listings – but if you'd like to pledge and receive an exclusive thank you gift that Ed has prepared please call 800-767-2121 and say you'd like to pledge $200 for the STAY RICH Retirement Kit.

The kit contains 2 sensational DVDs, Ed's book "Your Complete Retirement Planning Road Map," a CD "One on One with Ed Slott," and the STAY RICH Retirement Workbook - a must-have for everyone over 50!

If it's easier for you, please use the website: pledge at and use the pledge on-line button at the top of the screen.

We'll send you another reminder or two prior to the premiere to help keep this in the front of your mind.

Please call me 516-536-8282 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your help - I know Ed appreciates it too!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

THE TOMA FILES: How To Kill A Business in 10 Easy Steps!

by Michael Seedeek
SM Enterprises

Did you know that 55% of the recipients of promotional products kept the item for over a year? According to a Promotional Products study, 76% of people surveyed could recall the company's name on a promotional product they'd received in the past year... (editor's note: One of the oldest and most appreciated ways to achieve the coveted TOP OF MIND AWARENESS (TOMA) is through the use of imprinted promotional products, such as agendas, padfolios, pens, and even less conventional products which keep you always on the minds of your clients...)

Knowing the importance of TOMA, here are 10 steps to kill your business.

1. Pretend everyone knows what you have to offer.

2. Tell yourself you just don't have time to promote your business.

3. Assume your products and services "speak for themselves."

4. Convince yourself that "word of mouth" is enough.

5. Forget there are NEW clients out there who would do business with you if only they KNEW
about you.

6. Ignore your competitors.

7. Tell yourself that advertising "costs too much."

8. Ignore the fact that advertising is an investment in FUTURE SALES.

9. Fail to have an adequate advertising budget for your business.

10. Forget to tell your clients that you appreciate their business.

Sounds obvious, doesn't it? Then ask yourself why many business owners wake up in the morning after sleeping on an ADVERTISED mattress, pull off ADVERTISED pajamas, take a shower with ADVERTISED soap, dress in advertised clothes, etc... and then refuse to advertise their own businesses? It's only when they are forced out of business that they decide to advertise- only this time the ad reads "Business for Sale." Go figure.

FAN loves to support small businesses who provide value and excellent service to those in the financial services industry. Call Michael Seadeek today to get a confidential quote on quality promotional items for your clients and events which incorporate your own custom logo.

This stuff has lots of advertising traction and your clients and prospects LOVE IT! Contact Michael at:
(925)756-2839 Info@s-m-enterprises. . Tell Michael you saw it on Tammy's blog.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Setting Up Your "Stay In Touch" System

by Mark Satterfield
Gentle Rain Marketing

If we look at marketing as a three-pronged initiative, the main
components are

1) Lead generation
2) Capturing Information
about "Who Raised
Their Hand" and
3) Staying In Touch.

Staying in ongoing contact is often the most difficult component of the
process. But it's also the most important.

Part of the challenge is uncertainty. How often should I be in contact?
What should be the content of the messages? How does the frequency of
messaging change over time?

Let me share with you an overall framework, which may be helpful to you
in developing a strategy of your own.

I segment the stay in touch sequence into two large groups.

1) Messages that are sent in the first 90 days and
2) Messages that are sent beyond that point.

Before I explain how I set up my messaging system let's make sure that
we're on the same page regarding exactly what autoresponders (or
stay-in-touch systems) are all about.

An autoresponder system is first and foremost a database of contact
information. The database is populated either by inputting information
about your contacts, or automatically when people fill out a form in order
to get your free information report.

Messages that are subsequently sent are referred to as either TIMED or
BROADCAST. You'll want to use both methods for staying in touch.

TIMED messages are emails that are sent out based on the number of days
that have elapsed since the person initially signed up for your free

For example you might set up a schedule so that one-day after
the report is requested, the reader gets a Thank You email. Then two days
later Email Message #2 goes out asking them if they have any
questions. A week later they get Email #3, and so on.

You can set up a TIMED series of emails on any frequency you desire.

The advantage of the TIMED sequence is that you can write the series of
messages once, and then they're sent out automatically with no further
effort on your part.

Not surprisingly you'll need to make sure that these messages are
either somewhat generic in content (Thank you for requesting...) or address
issues that are "Ever-Green".

By this I mean you want to focus on client problems that were problems
yesterday, problems today, and likely to be problems for
the foreseeable future.

The second types of messages are called BROADCAST. These are messages
that are sent to EVERYONE in your database. The advantage of this type
of message is that it can be topical and timely. For example you'll
notice that in my BROADCAST messages to you, I often reference a current
business article or mention something else that is time-sensitive.

Both are powerful tools, and when you are setting up your stay in touch
strategy you'll want to incorporate both of them.

Naturally there are a number of other issues that go into an effective
Stay In Touch Strategy. How often should I be in contact? How do I keep
the content fresh and interesting over time? How does the frequency of
messaging change over time?

FAN readers have the special opportunity to become MARKETING EXPERTS as a member
of the Gentle Rain Inner Circle. I am a member and I LOVE IT!

For a $49.00 a month investment, you can learn the insider tips and techniques
which have made Mark Satterfield the marketer of choice for dozens of high-profile
professional services firms.

Don't Miss Mark's New FREE Webinar designed especially for insurance agents
and financial advisors:

How to Become the Recognized Expert in Your Field.-
Building Your Insurance & Financial Advisor Brand

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The ONLY Way You Can Become A Trusted Advisor

NY Times bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer is one of my favorite sales trainers and speakers. Be sure to check out his amazing website sometime-

And this from Jeffrey on "Two Ways to Get Your Prospect to Call You Back."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Van Yoder's Back!- Get Slightly Famous Webinar

Six Ways To "Get Slightly Famous" With Steven Van Yoder
Tuesday, March 11
1PM Pacific Time, 2PM Central, 3PM Eastern

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! (get a free PR evaluation when you register and attend!)

Want to Attract More Business With Less Effort?
Get "Slightly" Famous!™
(NOTE: this is a live repeat of the January presentation)

Seasoned journalist and author of the seminal treatise on personal branding and niche marketing "GET SLIGHTLY FAMOUS," Steven Van Yoder says:

"Some business owners attract clients and customers like magnets. Their marketing seems effortless. They don't advertise. They haven't made a cold call in years. They charge more. They're regularly asked to speak at conferences and are featured in newspapers and magazines. Everyone knows their name, and they get all the business they can handle.
It's almost as though they were famous..."

Van Yoder will show us six do-able strategies for becoming a recognized and in-demand expert; the kind of person who gets interviewed by Katie Couric or quoted in the New York Times.

Anyone interested in personal branding and niche marketing should attend this exclusive presentation by one of America's leading authorities on getting yourself known.

*Steve will also discuss his exclusive new PR system designed especially for financial professionals. Be there with all your branding and PR questions!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stop Worrying About the Questions.. NEW VIDEO

I always find TJ Walker's little vignettes entertaining and helpful and I haven't posted a video in a while, so here it is... By the way, FAN is hosting a special media/speaker training workshop with TJ in New York City in April. Class size limited to 20 . This workshop is designed to increase your comfort level when you do both live and recorded presentations. I get emails all the time asking me to find the best mentors and coaches around.

As far as speaking and media training are concerned- TJ Walker is "The One." If you are considering harnessing the power of Web 2.o, you NEED this training.- td Please email me at for a course description of TJ's Special Workshop:Money Talk April 3-4, 2008.


"Defuzz Your Speech" clip:

"Create A Dialogue"

"The Importance of Telling Stories"

And here is another humorous video with a catchy theme song. Enjoy!

Successful Networking Strategies

by Mark Satterfield
Gentle Rain Marketing

Let's spend some time on the subject of networking. With all that has been written about networking one would think that we are a nation of highly skilled networkers.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

"An important lesson in networking is that you have to keep at it. I made the mistake a few years back of thinking that I had built my network to the point where I thought I knew every one who could be of help.

What I forgot is that a network is a constantly changing group of people. People change jobs, move or die. If you do not keep building the network it will shrink and amazingly fast." Douglas Cumberland, Shipping and Transportation Industry.

Unfortunately, many people approach networking from the perspective that the overarching goal is to meet as many people as possible. This follows the premise that everyone one meets might know someone who could be a customer.

In theory that makes a certain amount of sense.

The plumber might know an executive who might have a need for your services. While the scenario is not inconceivable, the larger question is where do you want to spend your time? With a group of plumbers or with people who are more likely to directly buy your products?

It is a matter of playing the odds and where you want to invest your time. The key to successful networking is not only working the meeting in a productive manner, but also making sure that you are going to the right events.

What constitutes the right events will vary enormously depending upon what you sell and who you sell to. Thus, success in networking is equal parts strategic-What meeting should I attend?-and tactical-What do I do once I am there?

Introducing Yourself: How to Prepare Your Log Line

In order to get the most out of the time you invest in networking you have got to be able to communicate what you do in a way that is short, concise and memorable.

Sounds simple, but it is amazing how many people aren't able to do this. When people describe what they do it tends to be either way too technical for the average person to understand, or way too general.

A too technical description of what you do is especially harmful if you're trying to sell to the top-level decision-maker.

Most top decision-makers are fairly far removed from the detailed technical aspects of their business. If they were once technologists, they have likely moved on and are now dealing with a myriad of issues including sales, production, finance and human resources. They have specialists on their staff who deal with the technical implementation issues.

Thus, if you approach them with a highly technical description of what you do, it's very understandable for why they would immediately refer you to someone on their staff.

Conversely, if you're too general, it's difficult to visualize what you do and as a consequence the level of interest will be minimal. Thus, you have to strike a balance between being too specific or too general.

For example, I recently met a fellow at a networking event. I asked him, what did he do? "I make people productive." What type of people? "Everyone" How do you do that? "Lots of different ways."

As much as I might like to, I'm going to have difficulty being aware of situations that might call for his expertise. In a networking meeting you've got to be able to communicate what you do in a way that is short, concise and to the point.

This is what is called your Log Line.

The term log line has its roots in the motion picture industry in which a two-hour movie is summarized into a single sentence.

For example this is a log line: A South Carolina pacifist plantation owner joins the war for independence after a British officer murders his 15-year-old son. As you may have guessed, that is the log line for the movie, The Patriot.

Here is another: A fact-based sea yarn about a skipper of a Massachusetts swordfish boat that finds itself in the path of killer storms. That is the log line for the movie, The Perfect Storm.

What we need to do is to develop a log line that is specific enough, without being confusing to somebody who doesn't have our level of technical expertise.

For example my log line is, "I specialize in working with sales teams helping them make prospecting for new business more productive and less frustrating."

This is readily understandable and encourages people to ask me appropriate follow up questions. How do I do that? What types of clients do I work with? My log line is the first step in ensuring that the person I'm speaking with has a clear understanding about what I do.

To develop your log line write down answers to the follow two questions.

I specialize in working with...Who? What type of Industry? What types of people?

I help these people to... Do What? Satisfy what need? Achieve what goal? Avoid what


Your log line is now mostly complete. All you need to do is combine the two sentences together. "I specialize in working with (Who?) helping them (To do what?)."

You'll notice that my log line follows this format; "I specialize in working with sales teams, helping them make prospecting for new business more productive and less frustrating."

Remember that your goal is to strike a balance between being overly vague and mind-numbingly technical.

A too general log line such as, "We bring good things to life" is as unhelpful to your networking efforts as a too jargon laden one, "We optimize channel distribution strategies to develop linkages and enterprise performance." (The person actually sold magazine advertising.)

Remember that your goal is to be able to describe what you do in a way that is both understandable and elicits further interest.

Mark Satterfield is the founder of Gentle Rain Marketing. Find out more about the firm at

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Mark Satterfield Webinar!

How to Become the Recognized Expert in Your Field: Building Your Insurance
& Financial Advisor Brand-With Mark Satterfield

Join us for a Webinar on March 5

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

What is personal branding? Is it just another buzzword devised by advertising people or is it really a POWERFUL and POTENT tool to help you separate yourself from the herd?

Can financial professionals truly benefit from using personal branding strategies to position themselves as the recognized expert in their area and ATTRACT MORE PROSPECTS?

Learn how any financial professional can use this dynamic tool to increase their business and why it doesn't have to COST A FORTUNE.

Mark will give us the elements of a successful personal branding campaign and show us why, especially in tough times, advisors MUST learn to be "TOP OF MIND".

Join MARK SATTERFIELD of Gentle Rain Marketing as he examines some of the commonly asked questions about personal branding and what it can do for financial advisors.

How to Become the Recognized Expert in Your Field.-Building Your Insurance & Financial Advisor Brand-With Mark Satterfield

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST, 2PM Central
3PM Eastern

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.3.9 (Panther®) or newer

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Happenings..News Around the Blog and Beyond


SID WALKER's Selling Without Wrestling preview was packed to the virtual rafters with people wanting to learn how to maximize their natural "soft selling" skills and close more sales than ever before. I got lots of great feedback.

In response to emails asking us to repeat it- WE ARE! The next live preview will be:

Wednesday, March 5 at 12 noon PST.

Click on this link, and fill out the form to reserve your space.

Peter Vessenes gave FAN BLOG readers some terrific insights into building a better financial services business on his February 15 teleconference. We recorded it in MP3 format for you to download and listen to anytime.

Steven Van Yoder of GET SLIGHTLY FAMOUS is taking applications for a few motivated advisors to join in the launch of his "Personal Fame for Advisors" program. This comprehensive PR program will get you started on your way to becoming the recognized expert in your field and is priced to be affordable.

If you never thought you could afford to hire a public relations expert- THINK AGAIN. A maximum of ten applicants will be accepted . For more information- email

At only $49 per month-
Mark Satterfield's GENTLE RAIN INNER CIRCLE is one of the best values I have found for those who want to learn effective marketing. The Inner Circle is privy to the marketing secrets of one of the best in the business. And.. if you ever have to miss a live session- it is no problem, because Mark tapes them all for you to review later.
Check it out at:

TJ Walker is sponsoring a fun and informative media and speaker training designed especially for financial advisors, agents, realtors, mortgage brokers and others who need to become ABOVE-AVERAGE speakers and presenters. This intensive workshop will be at the Media Training Worldwide studios in New York City on April 3-4. Class size is strictly limited to 20 due to studio size and intensity of curriculum. Email for information. Get a FREE media training guide if you inquire by March 15th.

Vessenes Webinar Download Information

Peter Vessenes: Top Three Challenges Facing Advisors Teleconference Recording

Get the MP3 download:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Vessenes Podcast TODAY-Dial In Information

Teleconference starts at 9AM Pacific, 11 AM Central and Noon Eastern

Join us TODAY, Friday, February 15, 2008 at 9AM Pacific, 11Am Central, Noon Eastern for our inaugural live PODCAST with Peter Vessenes of VESTMENT ADVISORS.

Peter will be sharing his insights on "The Top 3 Challenges Facing Advisors" and offering practical, implementable solutions to these challenges. Join us for a stimulating hour of business guidance from one of America's leading consultants.

A nationally recognized business consultant and coach, Peter Vessenes has helped clients increase profits while making their organizations run more efficiently and effectively.

Peter has consulted with businesses that range from entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 corporations for over 20 years. This experience has uniquely positioned Peter to assist both large and small companies to make the necessary business adjustments.

DIAL IN: Please hit *6 to mute your phones after announcing yourself.

Conference Dial-in Number: (616) 597-8000
Participant Access Code: 548313#

CAN'T MAKE IT? There will a playback at the conclusion of the presentation:

Free Conference Play Back
Playback Number: (641) 715-3443
Access Code: 548313#

New for Feb!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hot Links for Cold Days


Available to Download:

1. Articles by
Katherine Vessenes:

5 Simple Steps to Help you Convert More Prospects into Clients

Safe Selling of Variable Annuities

Five Steps to Creating An Elevator Statement

*THIS JUST IN- DO YOU KNOW YOUR PEERS? The Vestment Advisors "Advisor Scorecard"
is a useful tool that lets you sneak a peek into the minds of your fellow financial professionals. Find out what bugs them and what they are doing to correct it.
Download it for free at:

2. Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Specialist

Discount Enrollment Form

Program Description and Course Outline

ChFEBC Home Study Program Outline

3. RIA IN A BOX- .wav file of Teleconference with ZACH GRONICH

4. The Not So Hidden Agenda by Duncan MacPherson of Pareto Platform (popular)

5. The Top Ten Reasons Seminars Fail- By Doug Dixon

Other Links:

Pro Web Radio: (podcasts anyone?)

Brainy Betty Powerpoint Tips and Tricks- essential info for Power Point users.

HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD- Guy Kawasaki's Excellent Blog- A great read full of practical advice for everyone

The Museum Of Humor- Need a joke or one liner for your presentation? Need a smile on a dreary day? Just want to see vintage footage of those great Borscht Belt comics? This be da spot!

Barry Maher's HUMOR ON THE JOB- "Motivational speakers are not enough."

The Speaking Channel- Chock full o' fun stuff- One of my favorite places to hang out

Seminar Direct- Professional Printers to Star Advisors.

Tomorrow Is The Last Day To Register

With Author and Sales Trainer Sidney C. Walker

Sid will show you how to have a 90% closing ratio and an abundance of quality referrals without being pushy or controlling!

FAN BLOG READERS: Get two new FREE BONUSES just for registering!

Thursday afternoon, February 14, 2008
12pm PT · 1pm MT · 2pm CT · 3pm ET
60 minutes plus Q&A


A proven approach to selling that is easier, more fun, and
results in more sales than you ever dreamed possible!

How to have a 90% closing ratio by connecting with
your clients rather than wrestling with them.

Powerful and reliable ways to double your closing ratio
without being pushy or aggressive.

And, much more...

TO REGISTER or for more information, click either link below:


Hope to see you all there!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Never Post On Painkillers...

I apologize for the confusion caused by my own lack of focus due to well.. lots of stuff. Here is the updated CORRECT information for Peter Vessenes' teleconference.. Thanks for your kind indulgence..TD

Join us Friday, February 15, 2008 at 9AM Pacific, 11Am Central, Noon Eastern for our inaugural live PODCAST with Peter Vessenes of VESTMENT ADVISORS.

Peter will be sharing his insights on "The Top 3 Challenges Facing Advisors" and offering practical, implementable solutions to these challenges. Join us for a stimulating hour of business guidance from one of America's leading consultants.

A nationally recognized business consultant and coach, Peter Vessenes has helped clients increase profits while making their organizations run more efficiently and effectively.

Peter has consulted with businesses that range from entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 corporations for over 20 years. This experience has uniquely positioned Peter to assist both large and small companies to make the necessary business adjustments.

From identifying potential opportunities to creating a proven sales system, client companies can increase revenue and develop a healthier bottom line.

Peter’s knowledge and insight of how businesses need to operate and function to become successful have served as the background for much of his guest writing for significant publications, including American Venture Magazine, Financial Planning Magazine, and The Journal of Financial Planning.

Join us if you have ever wondered about:

1. Effective management of staff
2. Tax efficient distribution
3. Moving from self employed with helpers to running
a business with a succession plan.

There are a limited number of lines in, so please register in advance either by either emailing your request to or filling out the application form on this blog.
If you are unsure if you can make it, register anyway and you will receive the link to the recording.



Sid Walker Preview Reminder

of my upcoming March 4-Module Teleseminar Training Series...

Selling Without Wrestling

How to have a 90% closing ratio and an abundance of
quality referrals without being pushy or controlling

Get two new FREE BONUSES just for registering!

Thursday afternoon, February 14, 2008
12pm PT · 1pm MT · 2pm CT · 3pm ET
60 minutes plus Q&A


A proven approach to selling that is
easier, more
fun, and results in more sales
than you ever dreamed possible!

How to have a 90% closing ratio by connecting
with your clients rather than wrestling with them.

Powerful and reliable ways to double your
closing ratio
without being pushy or aggressive.

And, much more...

TO REGISTER or for more information,

click either link below:

Hope you can join us,

Toll-free: 877-985-3297

Sales Performance Coach
Dedicated to your selling success...

PS: Forward this email to a couple of your peers,
clients, friends.
I am sure they would appreciate knowing about this
free teleseminar.

WHO IS SID WALKER and why should you learn from him?


Sid is a champion of the consultative, relationship-building style

of selling and self-promotion. His battle-cry is:

"Your main job today is to help the client make informed decisions

that feel right to the client!"


Sid has successfully coached over 2,500 financial services reps

including hundreds of the top people in the business.

Sid is the author of six books on topics including: interviewing to get

more client commitment, how to develop the confidence to prospect for

bigger clients, overcoming call reluctance and the fear of self-promotion,

and how to "get on a roll" and "stay on a roll" selling financial products.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Top Three Challenges Facing Advisors

Join us Friday, February 15, 2008 at 9AM Pacific, 11Am Central, Noon Eastern for our inaugural live PODCAST with Peter Vessenes of VESTMENT ADVISORS.

Peter will be sharing his insights on "The Top 3 Challenges Facing Advisors" and offering practical, implementable solutions to these challenges. Join us for a stimulating hour of business guidance from one of America's leading consultants.

A nationally recognized business consultant and coach, Peter Vessenes has helped clients increase profits while making their organizations run more efficiently and effectively.

Peter has consulted with businesses that range from entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 corporations for over 20 years. This experience has uniquely positioned Peter to assist both large and small companies to make the necessary business adjustments.

From identifying potential opportunities to creating a proven sales system, client companies can increase revenue and develop a healthier bottom line.

Peter’s knowledge and insight of how businesses need to operate and function to become successful have served as the background for much of his guest writing for significant publications, including American Venture Magazine, Financial Planning Magazine, and The Journal of Financial Planning.

Join us if you have ever wondered about:

1. Effective management of staff
2. Tax efficient distribution
3. Moving from self employed with helpers to running
a business with a succession plan.

There are a limited number of lines in, so please register in advance either by either emailing your request to or filling out the application form on this blog.
If you are unsure if you can make it, register anyway and you will receive the link to the recording.



Friday, February 8, 2008

Before You Hire A Coach or Consultant...

ed note: Duncan MacPherson, co-founder of Pareto Platform was with us via webinar last week, teaching advisors and agents how to focus on getting clients that "fit" and getting those clients to become advocates. If you are interested in applying the 80/20 approach to your practice, go to the Pareto website- look under "actionable" templates and find a wealth of FREE resources you can use right now!

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Coach

by Pareto Platform

More than ever, top business people are hiring coaches and consultants to help them
take their businesses to the next level. The following is a compilation of questions
we commonly hear from prospective modular and turnkey consulting clients.

Feel free to use this as part of your own due diligence process to ensure that you make an informed decision and select a coach that is a good fit for your needs and situation.

1. How long have you been in this business and how many clients have you worked with?

2. Will you assist me in the actual implementation of your system?

3. Do you have a process in place to ensure that I become self sufficient, and to prevent me
from drifting back to old habits over time?

4. Will your system ensure consistency across my entire team?

5. Are there milestones to show my sequential progress as the program is unfolding?

6. Will I be able to quantifiably measure the impact you have on my business? What is the
ROI range achieved by your clients?

7. What are the three primary “payoff” benefits of your program?

8. Can I see testimonials from former clients in a similar situation to mine?

9. Do you accept anyone as a client, or are you selective?

10. Is there a “fit”?

Keep in mind, the value of a coaching program really begins when it’s over, not just while you’re
in it. If you can take the philosophy, content and execution plan and translate it into results, then
it’s been a good investment of time and money.

If, on the other hand, the value is temporary and you aren’t able to create habits
and disciplines that stand on their own and compound over time,then what’s the point?

Keep in mind, contrary to the old cliché, time is not money! Your time is
more valuable than your money. You can earn back the money you spend, but you
can’t get your time back.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Want More Referrals? Invest in Yourself FIRST!

by Mark Satterfield

I will be the first to admit that the lifeblood of any business
is getting brand new clients. However, having said that,
I think that far too many people overlook the potential that
one's existing base of clients has for generating significant
amounts of new business.

The key is in how we approach them, what specifically we
ask them to do, and how we orchestrate the process.

Referral marketing is the proverbial "low hanging fruit"
for any business. Before one invests in getting brand
new clients,I would certainly make sure that I had in
place a SYSTEM for getting more referrals, and turning
large percentages of them into steady streams of
new business.

I'm sure at various points in time you've called
people that you know and asked them if they know of
others who might benefit from your services. However,
that approach isn't really a SYSTEM, as much as just
another marketing activity.

As I have probably preached to death, focusing on
activities rather than developing REPEATABLE SYSTEMS
usually just produces a flurry of noise rather than
sustained results.

The system that many of my clients use...which
I personally use...(and first learned about when
I was an executive at Kraft Foods and an executive
search firm used this SYSTEM on me to get
my business) is the topic of this month's Gentle
Rain Webinar for my Inner Circle members on February 21st.

I am sure that everyone will find it to be an extremely
valuable session with a BIG idea that you can begin to
implement immediately.

Not a member yet? Quite frankly, if you're serious about
achieving your business growth objectives you
need to join.

At only $49 per month (No long term contracts-You can
cancel your membership any time.) it is an incredible

You can find out more by going here.

If you are already an Inner Circle member you will be
receiving a separate email shortly with the link to
register for the live program. And as always, if you can't
attend, no worries since I will be sending all members a
copy of the Power Point presentation and the audio link.

I hope you will decide to join us.


(Mark Satterfield is the founder and CEO of Gentle Rain Marketing and Public Relations and the author of several business books including HOW TO NEGOTIATE THE PAY RAISE YOU DESERVE.)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Is Your Business Bio Putting People to Sleep?

by TJ Walker

Media Training Worldwide

Obviously your introduction bio should vary according to what group you are addressing. An introduction in front of the Securities and Exchange Commission would be different than the bio introduction used for a speaker about to give a high school commencement address, even though it is the same speaker presenting.

But another consideration is how long your bio should be for a particular audience. Different audiences who are listening to you in different formats need different lengths of a bio.

I was delivering a media training teleseminar recently and had emailed the bio off of my web site that is appropriate to public relations people who deal with media training clients. It seemed like I had done my homework, right?


The bio I sent was perfectly fine for someone to READ SILENTLY on a web page, but it was much, much too long to be read by the moderator aloud at the beginning of the tele-seminar. I realized my error right before the teleseminar was too begin when I saw the long bio to be use and figured out it would take about 5 minutes to read aloud.

5 minutes is way to long to read someone's bio when the teleseminar is only an hour long. It was too late for me to get a new bio to the moderator introducing me and too much for me to ask her to shorten it on the spot. She dutifully plowed through the entire bio. When she was done, I almost felt like falling asleep.

Fortunately, I recovered once I was able to hop in with the meat of the seminar. But the point is I shouldn't have to "recover" in any presentation and neither should you.

With proper planning, you can time every aspect of your presentation, including the introduction, to flow properly and with the right length. With a teleseminar I would recommend you keep an introductory bio to 30 seconds—60 seconds tops!

How long is your introduction? There is only one way to find out. Read it out loud in a conversational tone of voice and time it. If it's too long, chop away until you get it right.