Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Want More Referrals? Invest in Yourself FIRST!

by Mark Satterfield

I will be the first to admit that the lifeblood of any business
is getting brand new clients. However, having said that,
I think that far too many people overlook the potential that
one's existing base of clients has for generating significant
amounts of new business.

The key is in how we approach them, what specifically we
ask them to do, and how we orchestrate the process.

Referral marketing is the proverbial "low hanging fruit"
for any business. Before one invests in getting brand
new clients,I would certainly make sure that I had in
place a SYSTEM for getting more referrals, and turning
large percentages of them into steady streams of
new business.

I'm sure at various points in time you've called
people that you know and asked them if they know of
others who might benefit from your services. However,
that approach isn't really a SYSTEM, as much as just
another marketing activity.

As I have probably preached to death, focusing on
activities rather than developing REPEATABLE SYSTEMS
usually just produces a flurry of noise rather than
sustained results.

The system that many of my clients use...which
I personally use...(and first learned about when
I was an executive at Kraft Foods and an executive
search firm used this SYSTEM on me to get
my business) is the topic of this month's Gentle
Rain Webinar for my Inner Circle members on February 21st.

I am sure that everyone will find it to be an extremely
valuable session with a BIG idea that you can begin to
implement immediately.

Not a member yet? Quite frankly, if you're serious about
achieving your business growth objectives you
need to join.

At only $49 per month (No long term contracts-You can
cancel your membership any time.) it is an incredible

You can find out more by going here.

If you are already an Inner Circle member you will be
receiving a separate email shortly with the link to
register for the live program. And as always, if you can't
attend, no worries since I will be sending all members a
copy of the Power Point presentation and the audio link.

I hope you will decide to join us.


(Mark Satterfield is the founder and CEO of Gentle Rain Marketing and Public Relations and the author of several business books including HOW TO NEGOTIATE THE PAY RAISE YOU DESERVE.)

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