Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sid Walker Preview Reminder

of my upcoming March 4-Module Teleseminar Training Series...

Selling Without Wrestling

How to have a 90% closing ratio and an abundance of
quality referrals without being pushy or controlling

Get two new FREE BONUSES just for registering!

Thursday afternoon, February 14, 2008
12pm PT · 1pm MT · 2pm CT · 3pm ET
60 minutes plus Q&A


A proven approach to selling that is
easier, more
fun, and results in more sales
than you ever dreamed possible!

How to have a 90% closing ratio by connecting
with your clients rather than wrestling with them.

Powerful and reliable ways to double your
closing ratio
without being pushy or aggressive.

And, much more...

TO REGISTER or for more information,

click either link below:


Hope you can join us,

Toll-free: 877-985-3297

Sales Performance Coach
Dedicated to your selling success...

PS: Forward this email to a couple of your peers,
clients, friends.
I am sure they would appreciate knowing about this
free teleseminar.

WHO IS SID WALKER and why should you learn from him?


Sid is a champion of the consultative, relationship-building style

of selling and self-promotion. His battle-cry is:

"Your main job today is to help the client make informed decisions

that feel right to the client!"


Sid has successfully coached over 2,500 financial services reps

including hundreds of the top people in the business.

Sid is the author of six books on topics including: interviewing to get

more client commitment, how to develop the confidence to prospect for

bigger clients, overcoming call reluctance and the fear of self-promotion,

and how to "get on a roll" and "stay on a roll" selling financial products.

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