Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Web 2.0: Be Ready for the New Wave of Retirees

BNET (an excellent business website) will present a free webinar designed for all of you are thinking about making the leap into Web 2.0 technologies.

This webinar (which is not sponsored by FAN, by the way) will show you what you need to know in order to reach out via interactive media.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone who understands that the next wave of retirees will be the most technology-savvy group of seniors ever. These retirees will gravitate to the advisors who are best able to meet their information needs digitally.

Transforming Your Sales Calls into Interactive Online Demos

April 16th, 2008 at 11AM Pacific 1PM Central and 2PM Eastern
To find out more or to register:

Speaking of Web 2.0, BNet's Susan Kuchinskas says small business owners need to get on board with new technologies or be rolled over by the competition.

How to Use Web 2.0 Inside Your Company

by Susan Kuchinskas

Today the business world is undergoing a significant transformation thanks to a set of technologies collectively known as "Web 2.0." Although it's tempting to dismiss Web 2.0 as Silicon Valley hype, that would be a mistake.

Web 2.0 represents an important step in the evolution of Internet-based tools, and in the years ahead, it's likely to have a major impact on the way information is managed and distributed within your company.

What's the fuss all about? For a complete answer, read our BNET Briefing "What Is Web 2.0?" Briefly, Web 2.0 technologies move data and computing power off desktop PCs and onto the Internet, thus making it easier to collaborate and share information, either among close-knit teams or vast populations.

Salesforce.com's customer relationship management tools, the YouTube video-sharing site, and digg.com's news-aggregation service are all examples of Web 2.0 technology.

(see the rest of the story and the rest of the excellent Web 2.0 Crash Course at:

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