Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ten Ways To Become More Referral-Worthy And Upcoming Webinars

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone
The Grouchy Marketing Lady

1. You MUST Become Referral Worthy. Getting referrals on a consistent basis is
nearly impossible if you have done nothing to deserve them.

A referral worthy person is:

100% honest, 100% of the time-Honorable Men and Women

Extremely client-focused in EVERY PHASE of the relationship

A provider of incredible client experiences

Kind, respectful, NEVER condescending when dealing with clients

Generous with time and information

Able to think in terms of the WHOLE client

A person who truly KNOW the needs and desires of their clients and has the tools to meet those needs.

Always learning and using that knowledge to be better at what you do

Professional in all your dealings with prospects and clients

Flexible, enjoyable, and pleasant to be around

Someone who stays in touch with their clients


Willing to Take Constructive Criticism- In fact, YOU INVITE it (surveys)

BRIGHT IDEA:- Offer a powerful GUARANTEE. Here is an example of a satisfaction guarantee I once saw on a seminar invitation:

"Satisfaction Guarantee: All we ask is that you take in the information presented and enjoy the delicious meal. If you feel like it was a waste of your time, we'll gladly donate $100 to the charity of your choice for your trouble"

2. Find the RIGHT Partners and Get More Referrals

A-level clients, joint venture partners, and networking associates can be a real boost to the referral process, provided you do your research and get the RIGHT KINDS OF PARTNERS...

(see the rest of the article at:

Our Webinar Schedule for May, 2009

If you are wondering about social media and its relationship to YOUR business, you will want to join us on Wednesday, March 6th when new media superstar SHAMA HYDER joins us to explain Tweeting and blogging and Diggin and all that sort of stuff

May 26th: Join top business consultant Peter Vessenes
Making Money in a Market Downturn- with Peter Vessenes

May 27th: "Agent Provocateur" Robert Breiner joins with Grouchy to educate you on the finer points of using Send Out Cards to leverage Naturally Existing Economic Relationships (NEER). It is an SOC demonstration with major attitude.

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