Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Useful Ideas from the Blogosphere and Upcoming Fan Events...

Why You MUST Put Your Agency On Autopilot

by Tom Wiecek
Agency Autopilot

Don’t you love it when sales happen out of the blue? Like when someone calls in and wants you to sell them a policy. They don’t waver or concern themselves on how much it’s going to cost. They just want it and they want it now.

Well, this has been happening a lot in my agency lately. We’re getting clients that we’ve had a long time, calling our office and telling us exactly what they want. Just the other day, we got an email from a client that said, “I need a million dollar 30 year term policy and I need to get this handled today”. That was the easiest $1400+ commission I’ve ever made. Cross selling policies to our current clients has jumped an astounding 17% last month with no effort from my staff except quoting and issuing the policies. They’re not calling anyone or sending letters. Just taking the calls and writing policies.

How can you make this happen in your agency?...

(see the rest at: http://www.insurancemarketingmaverick.com/use-systems-for-automatic-sales/#more-506)

Your name matters to your prospects. Or does it?

by Jeffrey Gitomer

Here is a question I’ve received more than a hundred times in one form or another: How do I make a (better) name for myself?

Here is the premise, the definition, and the answer: In sales it’s not who you know, in sales it’s who knows you.

The challenge is not just making a name for yourself or building your brand; it’s building the components that generate that name. How do you achieve more recognition, more notoriety, and a better reputation in your market and your community? Those are the elements that lead to a better name.

And to be clear, I’m talking about a better name for both company and individual.

There are no easy answers. And there are very few answers that don’t require commitment, planning, and work -- hard work....

(rest of article at: http://www.gitomer.com/articles/ThisWeeksColumn.html)

Don't Miss A One of These Upcoming Events!

  • Selling Without Wrestling Society: No Cost Live Preview With Sid Walker on July 16th: Learn some of the language that has helped agents and advisors increase their closing ratios by as much as 70%! http://www.marketerschoice.com/app/?af=796698

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