Monday, February 18, 2008

The Happenings..News Around the Blog and Beyond


SID WALKER's Selling Without Wrestling preview was packed to the virtual rafters with people wanting to learn how to maximize their natural "soft selling" skills and close more sales than ever before. I got lots of great feedback.

In response to emails asking us to repeat it- WE ARE! The next live preview will be:

Wednesday, March 5 at 12 noon PST.

Click on this link, and fill out the form to reserve your space.

Peter Vessenes gave FAN BLOG readers some terrific insights into building a better financial services business on his February 15 teleconference. We recorded it in MP3 format for you to download and listen to anytime.

Steven Van Yoder of GET SLIGHTLY FAMOUS is taking applications for a few motivated advisors to join in the launch of his "Personal Fame for Advisors" program. This comprehensive PR program will get you started on your way to becoming the recognized expert in your field and is priced to be affordable.

If you never thought you could afford to hire a public relations expert- THINK AGAIN. A maximum of ten applicants will be accepted . For more information- email

At only $49 per month-
Mark Satterfield's GENTLE RAIN INNER CIRCLE is one of the best values I have found for those who want to learn effective marketing. The Inner Circle is privy to the marketing secrets of one of the best in the business. And.. if you ever have to miss a live session- it is no problem, because Mark tapes them all for you to review later.
Check it out at:

TJ Walker is sponsoring a fun and informative media and speaker training designed especially for financial advisors, agents, realtors, mortgage brokers and others who need to become ABOVE-AVERAGE speakers and presenters. This intensive workshop will be at the Media Training Worldwide studios in New York City on April 3-4. Class size is strictly limited to 20 due to studio size and intensity of curriculum. Email for information. Get a FREE media training guide if you inquire by March 15th.

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