Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gadgethead Tam's Wave of the Future

The new ACN digital video phone:more than a cool gadget-
the future of sales and contact management

by Tammy de Leeuw
Financial Advisor Netzone

I first saw the ACN CIP 6500 in, of all places, a bakery in Northern California.

A rather intimidating gentleman who looked like an ex-linebacker had the phone casually placed on the table next to the computer.

Looking it over, I felt the stirrings of the "gotta have its". Still, it was a while before I worked up the courage to approach the man and ask him about it. The man, who turned out to be a very nice JEFF BARTHOLOMEW from Brentwood, was eager to show off this latest innovation in the scorching hot digital market.

"Past FCC Chairman Smith says there will be 50,000,000 digital phone users in the next 3-5 years, " Bartholomew says. "ACN is poised to ride the wave, developing ways to communicate any way people want to."

Indeed, this nifty, user-friendly phone takes advantage of the fact that people prefer face-to-face contact. The desktop phone features a high-resolution 4.5x3.5 inch screen and built-in camera. Although it is designed as a desktop phone, the ACN CIP 6500's tilting screen folds down flat for easy portability.

Handy AV in/out jacks located in the rear of the phone allow you to use external speakers and to project the image to a larger screen or computer monitor. (I am thinking "VIDEOCONFERENCING!").

Jeff claims the phone is as easy to use as a standard telephone. Even technophobes can take advantage of its many features.

Of course, the person at the other end has to have one of these phones too, meaning you'll need to gift granny with her own phone and service (plans run around $23.99 per month to call anywhere in the world) if you want her to see the latest video of little Mikey.

Even so, the potential is enormous. Get a large new account? Gift the client with a phone and a year of service for around $500.00. Not only will the client want to stay with you forever, you will be able to see him or her "face to face" more often. (think MORE SALES)

Offices with agents scattered all over the field will be able to give a phone to each agent. Multiuser conferencing is in the works, and ACN is planning lots of other business applications for the future.

"This phone has so many possibilities for small business and personal use. It could be used in training centers, schools, etc. A trainer could include a phone in the package he sends to his clients. You can give it to your top-tier clients as a gift," enthused Bartholomew.

I want it...NOW! And, if you all buy one, I promise to BLOG LIVE with music and virtual cocktails.

Contact Jeff Bartholomew for more information at or call him at 925-640-6461 to find out how to put one of these in your office. If you tell him you saw it on FAN or put it in the subject line, you will get priority service.



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