Monday, May 12, 2008

Your Chance to Register for FREE!

Don't forget to register by 10AM, May 13th and you will get Christine Comaford-Lynch's web class on networking for FREE! (*remember this is an EVENING event)

Since Christine is new to many of you who read the blog, and since she has so much valuable networking advice to share with us, I decided that this event needs to be PACKED TO THE VIRTUAL RAFTERS. So, if you register by tomorrow, you will get in for absolutely NADA!

Christine doesn't do too many webcasts- so this is a unique opportunity for you to learn a couple of life skills from someone who retired a millionaire at age 40, then decided to go in a whole new direction. Join us MAY
Wednesday, May 14th at 6PM Pacific, 8PM Central, and 9PM Eastern

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